velvet 17th century mace year of women and children first

The Lewd Angel

modern animals

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The subway tiles at Rosedale are my favourite. I was on the subway one day with this girl who does not live in Toronto and she kinda made fun of Rosedale station like ugh god how old are these tiles? and it pretty much blew my mind...I mean why would you change the tiles?... especially when they are so pretty. I always ask people about their favourite and least favourite looking subway stops but no one seems to have an answer usually. It is always kind of mentally distressing to me like am I the only person with a childs mind for placing things in categories still????

The picture at the bottom shows the tiles better.

I always fear that I repeat myself on I do that? have i talked about the subway tiles before? Do people even read blogs anymore or did facebook kill them? It was easier to write back when people actually read this but I suppose it's important to keep writing no matter what...

I have had this blog for so long now I find it hard to imagine being someone who doesn't have one...My head has these thought tornadoes swirling around and once I write about something I feel like it takes a bit of pressure off of me to stop thinking that thought so much.

Yesterday I went to Tim Hortons and got a coffee and the guy asks if I want anything else and I say yeah I want to pee too. He kinda laughed at me and then gave me the bathroom key which is attached to this thing that says "featured soup" and I really wanted to make a joke about umm making the featured soup in the toilet bowl but I couldn't really think of a clever way to word it and plus I thought maybe it was too gross. Still you can't expect to give people a tag that says featured soup and go into a room and fill a bowl with liquid and expect them not think of that. I put the tag on the toilet and took a picture of it after I was done but uhhh, i guess I won't post it. There is just one tiny pathetic poo in there, kinda unimpressive anyway...

I've been drinking too much I am up at 7:30 every day lately. guh. Anyway, Dom is coming to town today I am excited. I think I am going to try and drag him out to Toronto Island sometime this week.

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