velvet 17th century mace year of women and children first

The Lewd Angel

excessive recessive genes

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I just had a nice breakfast thing but it put me in a really restless mood, maybe it's just the caffeine.

I was hanging out with Nick and Greg last night, they are both smallish men, comedians with fairly impressive beards- anyway I was dressed up in heels and one my typical poofy ridiculous Melissa type dresses and I felt in a way like I owned them. Not in an oppressive way like I OWN YOU FUCKS but it was just a nice visual somehow. I dunno, now that I'm so restless I can't stop thinking about it. What I mean is I have this sort of urge to somehow gather up a posse of eight of them and just have them as my escorts in life or whatever. I love the idea of Peter the great and his band of midgets that he collected and dragged around with him everywhere. It sounds like kind of a harsh fucked up thing to do but I'm sure the midgets had a good life, I don't think he treated them poorly he just enjoyed their appearance and company. I guess what I mean is I relate to the idea of doing absurd things...just because how do you know that that isn't what will make you happy ugh. I think the idea of a posse of similarish looking people is something that appeals to people in general, think snow white and the seven dwarves or uhh gwen stefani and her asian get-a-long gang. I know Peter the Great wouldn't be fond of the bearded choice so don't bother being all BEARD TAX in comments. Also sorry to be THAT person who is just casually dropping Peter the Great factoids into conversation but I can't help it I think about the guy a lot.

p.s. I also want to point out that I don't think, you know, 8 of the exact same looking people would be fun at all, the appeal is sort of in the similarity but also hugely in the difference, while Nick and Greg can be described similarly on paper they don't look actually look alike and obviously have different personalities and simultaneously make different expressions. I mean the Gwen thing is pretty boring because the get along gang is too similar and too vacant, the success of the 7 dwarves is the fact they all have these different personalities and looks to them, different world views haha.


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