velvet 17th century mace year of women and children first

The Lewd Angel

toastmasters mind dump

ooops I just remembered that sometimes I like privacy so I had to edit some of my last post maybe I should erase it all who knows. Gawd. How about I just get drunk and go home and cry about hating my job and then blog about it at five in the morning. Such a pathetic image. The other job in my life that I worked at a lot other than this one was for the government I would always do this contract work and my last contract was 6 months or something and near the end of it they kept being like stay for another week and I hated it. I made plans to go do something else when it was done and they just wanted me to stay so I went to the doctor and got him to write me a note that said work made me too crazy for me to stay. I think they were kinda pissed off about it at work, because they basically thought I was just pretending to go crazy so that I could stop working and go on vacation which was sort of true but at the same I was going pretty crazy. I would just sit there and kinda feel panicky like I had to run out of there. I felt like I couldn't breathe and I just couldn't stand to waste any more of my life in there. So is that not going crazy? What kind of crazy should you be to quit work? One day I was walking to work in Ottawa in the summer and it was just the beginning of summer and I walked by all these people sitting with their friends and families on their patios and then as soon I walked into the door to work I just started bawling because I couldn't stand the idea of being there. They let me go home.


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