I like hearing cats breathe
I am home and bored and doing stuff like trying on my spring jacket just for fun, kinda trying to imagine what it would feel like to go outside and just wear this and not be winter miserable. I used to write letters to lovers and when I ran out of lovers I wrote letters to future lovers. How gay is that... I had lovers since then but I never gave them the letters. Now I write letters to you. I wish I had a sort of stats chart on who my readers are like this percent is your friends and this percent is blogger girls and this percent is horney angry guys and this percent is whatever. I want a short bio or something. My wrists hurt. I have carpal tunnel syndrome I think I got it a long time ago when I used to work for government and I had to flip thru papers and remove staples from tax returns and who knew that most Canadians own staplers just because I certainly don't. Someday I will tell you about it. Tax returns I mean. Now my wrist hurts from typing and knitting and making drinks and masterbating in the dark back seat of greyhound buses. I have no pictures for you right now and it's suppertime which has capers and will probably be fancy and gross. |

7 comment(s):
It might also be fun trying to imagine what it would feel like to go outside in nothing! And perhaps including photos of that so we could get a sense as well.
Sorry, I just couldn't resist -- too good an opportunity to be obnoxious. Oh well.
Anonymous, at
3:44 p.m.
my supper wasnt gross in case anyone is interested.
except youre not cus no one will comment....
Melissa, at
10:20 p.m.
i'm a blogger girl. on the fence about being friend or foe. you're writing is funny, the pictures are sometimes nice. both are better when you don't try so hard. same could be said of my site, i guess.
i'm getting a little tired of the self involved, myopic perspective (both yours and mine) and wish we could both be more rounded.
does seem like you are gaining weight though. not a diss, just a comment. in fact, i think the belly is cute.
Anonymous, at
3:49 a.m.
blogger girl
have I ever seen your site?
i find it strange that you would say you dont know if you are friend are foe....
and i also dont understand the trying to hard comment...just because i dunno trying too hard at?? what ? i dunno I just dont understand it.
pls elaborate
Melissa, at
10:52 a.m.
Anonymous, at
3:55 p.m.
i pulled my site because i was tired of all the people talking shit. you can only say 'if you don't like it, don't read it' so many times . . .
not sure what i meant by the friend or foe comment. other than you seem really cool and funny and smart and it makes me sad you spend so much time putting yourself down. so i read you for the funny bits and get stressed when you say bad things about yourself. i also hate it when you respond to the critics because, well, you don't need to. they can go fuck themselves.
as for trying to hard . . . i just mean that you sometimes seem to be struggling really hard with who you are. i want to tell you to relax and just let yourself be. if you want to post a "dorky" bunch of shit because that makes you happy. do it! don't apologize for it. you shouldn't have to apologize for doing what you want to do. that's all.
Anonymous, at
5:51 p.m.
repeat annoyances are just getting deleted now....
you didnt answer if ive seen your site....
stop being annoying
Melissa, at
8:22 p.m.
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