attn asswads

to all the people who keep on coming here to tell me I'm ugly-my lips are fucked up- what's wrong with my face etc... etc....
I have said SOOOOOOOOOO many times that this is not "hot or not" and I am not looking for opinions on my looks
what the fuck is your problem? I don't go around telling people I find I ugly that they are ugly because
guess what?
you can't change your looks.
I look the way I do and that's how I am stuck looking so I don't need a bunch lame fucktards trying to make me waa waa about it.
also it's retarded how not a single person who has ever shit talked my looks attached a blog adress or anything showing what THEY look like so I can go shit talk THEIR looks. You know what? if you are a GUY chances are, I am better looking than you AUTOMATICALLY and I KNOW that I am atleast not a complete asshole.
also no comments being all what do you expect you post slutty pics etc etc because I can post whatever the fuck I feel like and that's too predictable to bother saying. |

18 comment(s):
i read your blog cause /
i do whatever i want /
you can't show tits, hah!
Anonymous, at
3:09 p.m.
Melissa, at
3:11 p.m.
youre from OHIO
Melissa, at
3:14 p.m.
i thought i looked cute last night/
like i had an attractive glow on /
so i took pictures of myself.
Anonymous, at
3:15 p.m.
and your point is what???
just making sure that i never feet attractive?
god go fuck yourself
Melissa, at
3:18 p.m.
i will never write again /
i just was sent to warn you /
be nice & give to the world
Anonymous, at
3:28 p.m.
i made fun of you that one time because we were exchanging burns and zingers but the truth is that you are not even slightly ugly and your face is very interesting. i think you described yourself very well a few posts back and i know you didn't post this post to get a bunch of compliments or anything but i needed to get that off my chest because truthfully i regret having ever said it because it wasn't reflective of what i really thought. you are a pretty girl, anyone who thinks otherwise is probably just jealous or mad at you for somethiing else.
merkley???, at
3:40 p.m.
thanks merkely
we should be friends or something
Melissa, at
3:49 p.m.
I think you should ignore all the negative comments. I think its great that you show yourself as you are: an ordinary average person, who usually looks great in pictures but its great that you also show us the scowly side on occaision, so we see you as a real person.
Anonymous, at
5:10 p.m.
haha great ohio burn
Leck, at
5:46 p.m.
you have beautiful lips...and your words and feelings are as real as they come. Fuck all the haters...they are inconsequential anyway.
Brett Micheal's from Poison is on t.v. right now singing every rose has it's thorn...that should be your theme song.
Stussi 613, at
7:12 p.m.
yeah fuck all the haters.
i like your lips. wanna make out?
Jillian Grady, at
7:22 p.m.
I dig what you're doing, don't even acknowledge the ass hats.
Matt Vella, at
8:41 p.m.
You're a gorgeous beauty. What do
"they" know? Nothing.
You can change your looks if you're insecure and feel the need to cut and paste and plastic surgeory your way through you problems.
And yes, I've noticed the "get naked now" comments, what's wrong with you people, there's lots of free porn on the internet, stop being so lazy and go find it yourself.
Krista, at
8:55 p.m.
people are retarded and don't know what beauty is.
Kathryn, at
10:43 p.m.
"My God, so many retards, so many mothers that should have swallowed."
Kathryn, at
10:44 p.m.
Ashley, you're an ignorant bitch.
Anonymous, at
3:43 p.m.
no shes not
Melissa, at
8:23 p.m.
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