watch your butter

I just spent three hours waiting to see a doctor and he did the exact same thing as every other medical person in this town and said that I have to go see someone else but I can't see a head doctor for 3 or 4 months. I am so tired of being shuffled around and I just don't feel like I have it in me to keep going because I leave feeling more depressed. He said I have to go to emergency to see a doctor sooner so I guess that is what I will have to do but I am just cranky because god knows how long that will take or if they will even help me and also what the fuck if I have to stay in the crazy ward anyway I could have just stayed in PEI maybe. Also he is just like go to AA which is annoying because I am like why the fuck would I go to AA when I have no intention of permanently quitting drinking? I said I am willing to think about quitting drinking for a bit if I am getting help but that is not my problem. fuck. It makes me not want t o even bring up drinking at all because then they are like Oh, that is ALL your problem right there and I am like No, the problem is that I feel like a ghost trapped in a body. |

7 comment(s):
Greets,melissa...First,let me say thanks for the advise,I went 2 hospital.Next,let me say U must never give completely up on yourself.U have too much 2 offer 2 others that have problems,myself included.I seem 2 have control right now,but moments do attack my thoughts and feelings.I truly wish U the best.Cheers
Trips Beyond, at
3:42 p.m.
i want them to look inside my head
Melissa, at
8:18 p.m.
thats kind acreepy sounding liek you are gonna cut me up
Melissa, at
12:02 a.m.
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3:04 a.m.
fuck medication you think some little pill is going to solve all your problems let me tell you who solves your problems you do
Anonymous, at
10:21 a.m.
Maybe go to AA to get a better understanding of the disease and the dynamics involved?Ever hear of the "hedonistic calculus theory"? it involves pain vs. pleasure.The reason you arent ready to quit is because,AT THIS POINT,the pain that your alcoholism has caused has not outweighed the "pleasure" you get from drinking.Feeling like shit,depressed,all that crap is mild compared to the long term effects of the disease,mentally,emotionally & physically.
Had a good bud who once said to me that she drank so much because of her problems.I simply responded that she had it reversed that if she took alcohol out of the equation alot of those"problems" would be either gone or VERY workable.
Anonymous, at
12:41 p.m.
Dr Pill - fantastic. Dr Pill says don't take pills.
Anonymous - There's no such thing as a good bud. It's a pissy American beer that shouldn't be allowed to use the name ... you're typing about beer right?
Anonymous, at
3:16 p.m.
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