High Five Commission
I wrote this last night. Pictures won't uplaod for me.Jill and I went to Bingo tonight. We didn't win but it was still pretty fun. I have a problem because I kind of found Bingo to be TOO exciting. Once the it starts to get close to the time that you know someone is gonna be yelling Bingo soon it's like I can't deal with it and I get extremely nervous about it.
Bingo makes me think about a lot of different things.Evertyime I play I am making these dumb appeals to God to win. Sometimes I'll sit there and think about not wanting to win or something or trying to wish for other people to win so that somehow my good deed of wishing well on others will karmically turn into me winning at Bingo. I wonder how many other people at the Bingo are bargaining with God in their heads. I dont even believe in God, or atleast not a God that cares about who wins Bingo.
One time when I was pretty young at Bingo with my grandma kinda thinking about all the patterns that my stamps were making and relating them to religions. I dont know how to explain it but at the time it all made sense to me. I think really abstract things sometimes and I wonder if it's a sign of genius or crazy.
I was telling Jill how whenever my birthday date number comes up I always feel that it's like lucky and she wondered if all the old ladies feel that way when their birthyear comes up. Then I was like WHOA we are part of a whole crop of people who wont ever hear our birth years at Bingo and for some reason it struck me as very signifigant and deep. |

9 comment(s):
Nice title for your post. Haha. Jesus was an avid Bingo player by the way.
Anonymous, at
1:03 p.m.
hi melissa...
i seen yu profile today on buzznet while browsing....wow yu seem fun interesting and are extremely cute...golbox73 @hotmail..is where yu can reach me...im from montreal im 32...would be fun just to chat ...we have bingo here too...lol
Anonymous, at
1:30 p.m.
i am not looking for internet dates
Melissa, at
3:19 p.m.
no its not genius its crazy which you are
Anonymous, at
11:51 p.m.
Melissa, at
7:51 a.m.
does not looking for internet dates mean you wouldn t date someone you met on the internet
Anonymous, at
12:50 p.m.
you'd think a doctor would have no trouble getting dates.
Melissa, at
5:04 p.m.
that's pretty dep jose
Jillian Grady, at
8:29 p.m.
i have no trouble getting dates but i have met a lot of interesting women over the internet some of which i would date
Anonymous, at
9:59 p.m.
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