more on bedwetting
I am like hmm shit maybe I shouldnt have posted that but I feel like I would be umm going against my ummm posting "ethics" if I didnt tell you. So all you other ladies who peed the bed from drinking before should tell me so that I will feel a little better. Oh mark just asked me if I just woke up in piss and I also wanted to explain that yeah no I woke up like while I was doing it sorta thing. It wasn't liek I woke up in random wet spot thinking what the fuck is that? |

8 comment(s):
nice writing skills melissa
Melissa, at
11:02 a.m.
Oh Jesus. Telling the world you'll soon need to sleep wearing Depends. Yup, that's gonna help you snag a man.
Anonymous, at
11:37 a.m.
last time i peed the bed i was 22. i woke up mid pee. no drinking was involved, i was merely dreaming that i got up to pee as usual and was standing at the toilet. the warm sensation is what woke me up.
i hear that happens alot to people who drink but its never happened to me for that reason.
merkley???, at
11:48 a.m.
im glad you peed the bed at 22.
fucking tricky dreams.
and mildly shhhhhhhh
Melissa, at
12:24 p.m.
I have too easy of a gag reflex while drinking to ever get that drunk. But one time, I got a call at 4am and it was one of my roomate's friends wondering where she went cuz she left their party. So, I went to check on her, and she was squatting with her pants down beside her bed. The next morning, she commented on spilling beer or something on her floor, and I'm so much of an evil opportunist, I told her what it really was. mwahaha! Also, that same roommate passed out in Jackie's bed and peed in it. Soon after, she received a surprise visit from her mother.
Oh, my classy girl.
Anonymous, at
2:46 p.m.
I'm such a cunt.
Anonymous, at
2:49 p.m.
Christ, I wonder how long before melissa starts selling plastic sheets in her blog store?
Anonymous, at
3:39 p.m.
i pee in public sometimes drunk. i think i will go write a post about this one time when i slept in my own vomit. or maybe i'll click publish comment and forget about it, either way je comprende.
the pants, at
10:44 p.m.
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