velvet 17th century mace year of women and children first

The Lewd Angel

My snake garden.

I decided that I didn't want to take a cab home after work cus I waste all my money so I was trying to find an alternate bus route that was still running and this bus drove by and I got on it to ask where it went but the driver just started driving away anyway even tho he didn't really go near my house at all and he was like I will drop you off on this bad neighbourhood and guys will think you are a prostitute and you will be terrified while you wait there and I was like umm I don't want to go there so then he takes me to this huge road where nothing is open and tells me to take so and so bus to so and so spot and then get a bus from THERE home. Okay well that's annoying but whatever. Then I get off and I am reading on the pole thing that the bus is not running anymore, so I am starting to panic and kind of run around different streets half way to look for a bus or a cab or a phone or something. I hate being alone at night because I have this major paranoia of being murdered. I think about being murdered everyday and I have been that way forever. Anyway so I was kind of starting to have a panic attack something or other and this couple drove up and were at a red light and I figured since they are a couple it it okay to try and get help from them and I am making the universal gesture for DO YOU HAVE A PHONE? and the man just ignored me and the woman was laughing at me. Fuck you bitch. Then I added saying "I need help" to the fake phone routine and they just drive away. God whatever because what the fuck am I going to do to you if you roll down your window? Are you guys fucking retarded? obviously I am not a hooker that is just trying to hit on a couple in a non hooking zone or a super clean post midnight squeegee kid with no squeegee. Then I was like yup if I get murdered it your fault you stupid bitch but I was moreso kind of just panicking and picturing that incident happening with every car until I got kidnapped. Anyway that didn't happen. A cab drove by and I hailed it. WoooOOOOoooo

Great story eh?

I didn't drink at all today because I am fighting against the utter retardness of last night.

Oh yeah part of the reason that I was extra paranoid about being killed tonight is that when I was first starting to go really crazy I was obsessed with thinking that I had no future beyond January for some reason and so I kept thinking that I was meant to die and I was gonna get run over or get murdered or something before then. So now I am superstitious paranoid that I am in my last days. A good thing about the superstiousness tho is that I am like okay if I DON'T die by the end of the month that means I have to extra try and be happy and realize that I should be alive and I do have a point, I just have to find it.

What else? oh yeah I wanted to mention this. I know that people read something fucked that I've written and think Oh she is just doing that to beg for attention and I just wanted to say whatever because I write what I do, I don't do it to write it. I write it because I need to get my crazies out. I need someone out there to tell me that they still accept me even tho I'm kinda slutty and stupid and crazy. I can't live a life filled with a million dirty secrets that eat away inside of me.



12 comment(s):

what kind of shirt did someone buy? and also, melissa, i want you to come home so we can hang out and do fun stuff cause you're my friend and i love you and i don't even think you're a slut so whatever and you're not stupid, although you are a bit crazy, but it doesn't matter cause i still love you.

By Blogger Jillian Grady, at 4:50 a.m.  

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By Blogger NYC TAXI SHOTS, at 5:33 a.m.  

a cabbie saves the day did he hit on u

By Blogger NYC TAXI SHOTS, at 6:05 a.m.  

OC Transpo: yet another reason why Ottawa needs serious improvement. Oh well. At least you made it home and sold a shirt!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:05 a.m.  

this january? because i seriously had the same premonition, i even blogged about it i think. and last night i had a shitty transportation snafu too. let's be friends.

By Blogger the pants, at 9:50 a.m.  

Hi this is Kim and Dave. The reason we didn't help you was because we read your blog and we didn't want to catch anything or have to deal with you crying your eyes out.

- Thanks, Kim & Dave

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:32 a.m.  

allo yes pants lets be friendss

By Blogger Melissa, at 11:17 a.m.  


By Blogger NYC TAXI SHOTS, at 1:41 p.m.  

I dated a guy once (my friend Monique says all good stories start this way) who assured me that believing you are going to die prematurely at a specific point in time is quite common.

Personally, ever since I was about 10 or 11, I've always been convinced that I'll die in 2011 or 2012, or at the age of 26.

I don't know the cause, but I figure it will be fire-related.

Anyways, it really does make things more worthwhile. Although, it's hard to explain to people that I have no life ambitions (marriage? kids? job?...I haven't really thought about it, because I've never seen a need to) because I figure I'll die before I get to the point where I have to make any serious choices.

By Blogger Jess, at 2:07 p.m.  

I always think about stupid shit like, "what if sometime in the past i cheated my death like those dudes on Final Destination, and now this is my time" or I just think that if I'm alone at night that that is a dangerous place to be and I will be harmed or something. I try NOT to think that considering i think most violent attacks are between acquaintances and not stranger-to-stranger. I'd rather be aware and alive than too-brave and dead I guess.

By Blogger Unknown, at 5:13 p.m.  

what did someone buy??
i'm so courious! and did you find out if you can put that shirt on there yet?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:37 p.m.  

are you crystal?
they bought the ringer t
not sure about the thing i think maybe its cus its bitmap i made amistake
will investigate

By Blogger Melissa, at 1:22 p.m.  

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