velvet 17th century mace year of women and children first

The Lewd Angel

finding emo

My memory is fucked lately, and my dreams are vivid. When you combine this and alcohol everything jumbles together and I don't know what is real and what is imagined. Did I do this thing and I don't remember so hot cus I was drunk or did it never happen? Did I just dream it? I remember tidbits of conversation and I am like who did I have that conversation with? Was it just with myself? I think it was at home, and no one was here. When I signed in to msn today my name was "yo ryan" because I guess I wanted to alert him last night that I was in the mood to talk in case he came on. Sometimes when people drink and black out a bit, finding out the clues of what they did last night can be kinda fun. You know "oh haha NOW I remember" With me clues show up and they embarrass me, I want them gone. How many times have I looked on my camera the day after drinking and here is this picture of me hugging some guy? fuck, too many. I mostly delete them because I don't want to think about it. It's like reading a sad diary.


2 comment(s):

A sad photo diary, even more explicit than a written one.

Happens to me a lot too, especially after drinking, and I remember conversations that happened maybe 2 years ago and have no relevance to the now.

add me to MSN.

By Blogger Krista, at 1:19 p.m.  

I wish you could stop by, and I'd buy you a cup of coffee. I'd really like to take you by the shoulders, look you in the eye and tell you to relax - take a deep breath.

You will be alright. These burdens that you carry will, in the end, be a rich blessing in your life. They will give you a wonderful understanding of the human condition, that can only translate into your being a kind soul.

I wish you could see all the good there is in you - it is apparent to the rest of us. The 'slutty' behavior, the drinking, it is all a mask that, for whatever reason, you are needing to wear now. Melissa, it does NOT define who you are.

Be kind to yourself.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:04 a.m.  

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