catchphrase 2006

Holy shit I wish cars were cheap because anyone you can pay to take you anywhere in this city is fucking retards. I'm fucking cranky about OC transpo AGAIN. I did write them a letter today complaining about the train thing and what just happened today.
Okay in Ottawa they decided to put this little pointless peice of paper at the end of the bus ticket sheets that just has the Bell Logo on it. They didnt make the sheet for tickets any bigger either so in Ottawa we now have tiny bus tickets and that in itself already kind of annoys me because they are seriously the tiniest bus tickets you ever saw in your life. ANYWAY I am waiting forever to get a bus in the freezing cold because it is Sunday night and the buses hardly even come on Sunday night so already I am cranky. Bus finally comes and I put my two tickets in the thing. They were the two tickets that are attached to the Bell ad which I didnt bother to tear off and litter. BIG MISTAKE. They were kinda folded and they landed with the bell ad side facing up and the driver is just fucking rude and says UMM THOSE ARENT TICKETS like I am trying to fucking trick him by throwing trash into the collector thing and that made me mad and I was like YES THEY ARE IF YOU BEND DOWN YOU CAN SEE THAT THEY ARE JUST FOLDED AND THERE ARE TICKETS ATTACHED. (see picture)

blah blah more of this stupid back and forth he is telling me how I shouldn't do that because he CANT bend over and I am just bitchy at him saying well, you shouldn't just accuse people of trying to cheat their way on the bus whatever I sit down and he yells at me to grow up. So I have an unpleasant busride home and really want to yell thanks for the shitty service fuckface when I get off the bus but I don't bother and content myself with giving the guy the finger from the bus stop and he contents himself with honking like mad while he drives away.
Whatever, it's a good thing I saw a bunny on the walk home cus it calmed me down a little bit. I tried taking a picture but I suck at using this camera. |

4 comment(s):
Hi there, Melissa.
Nice post. Brought a smile on my face (don't know if that was intended though).
Hey, I realize that you have stopped visiting my blog. Is it something I wrote about? :)
You may link me if you wish. Do keep visiting. (smiles)
Pradeep Puranik, at
12:56 a.m.
OC Transpo drivers are assholes. Someone pissed in their cornflakes and they take it out on the riding public.
Anonymous, at
4:08 a.m.
awww bunnies! i yelled at a grocery clerk a few weeks ago for screwing up something and she just looked sad and went to fix it so i felt like a jerk. it's so much easier when they're reactionary.
the pants, at
9:22 a.m.
You should start hitchhiking.
Anonymous, at
3:34 p.m.
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