Riddle Me This.

Ugh I am sick of cabbies hitting on me. Honesstly, if you are a cabbie smarten the fuck up, the last place and time you should ever be hitting on girl is when she is alone with you in your car and you are a STRANGER. It is scarey. This guy wasn't as bad as my last cabbie hit on experience at all but, still. This guy just did the so do you have a boyfriend? why not? thing. For some reason I just wasn't in the mood to be all ho ho ho I guess I just havn't found the right guy yet and I just said I guess no one wants to date me and he was like "I will do the job".
I hate when people ask that, what do you want me to say? "Oh well actually I'm some kind of emotional freak THAT'S WHY!" or "hmmmm.....I don't know, I have the goods displayed online even, My DAD seems interested but that might be kinda awkward."
worst joke ever.
Sorry Dad but if you are reading this that is what you get for reading what you should not.

I forgot to mention that Peter Elkas played at Feist too and was also excellent. I guess he now has a band and do-wop girls and they go by just "elkas". Anyway if you haven't heard him yet make a point to. If you are like all my readers who refuse to listen to what I say and BUY MY SHIT or LISTEN TO THIS MUSIC, I am sure you will hear him/them soon hear him anyway.

I have a lot of stuff built up inside me that I have been meaning to talk about but my internet cuts off at night and I never feel up to telling them in the day or without new photos or something....anyway I think tomorrow I will for sure get some of it out. Here are some reminders for myself of stuff I want to talk about: crystal, westley, jill, clowning, gayness, my cousins, how old guys need to stop thinking that they have realistic and non creepy chances with young girls.

Oh yeah another dumb thing about today is that I took the "O-train" and when I went to get off I was pressing the button and the door wouldn't open so I started knocking on the door for the people outside to just press their button but the door just wouldn't open and the train just took off and I went to tell the driver hey the door wouldn't open and he was a carative retard about it because he was just like "oh yeah? sorry, guess you'll just have to stay on the train till it turns around" but actually less sympathetic and helpful than that. Anyway, then I had this kind of mini panic attack daydream nightmare that the train driver was purposely kidnapping me and he had some kind of evil plan to lock us all in the train and kill us and do other deviant behaviour type things.
When the train rolled backed into my stop again the door wouldn't open again and I kind of started yelling "IT WON'T OPEN" in this panickey kind of way and then I looked like some kind of retard because all the witnesses to the fact that the train wouldn't let me off before were no longer there so people were just kinda giving me these hey crazy lady, give it a second eyes. Anyway it was dumb and, at the time I was pissed and planning a big tell off letter to the OC transpo because the exuse of being late for work because the damn train doors wouldn't open seems lame as hell.
I also went into a bit of a rant inside my head that maybe it was because my fingers are so cold that machines are like "whoa you do not exist; ghosts and ice cubes are not aloud to get off here". That made me want to talk about how cold my extremities are because seriously most of the winter if you touch my hands or feet they will be colder than anything else in the room and it never ceases to amaze me because seriously why the fuck should some inanimate thing like a peice of wood or a blanket or anything be warmer than parts of me which are alive? I really don't understand. It is a mystery of science to me. I think a dead body must be warmer than me sometimes and I can't understand why. Is it because people are full of water, so maybe dead bodies are freezing cold? I have a severe low iron problem which is supposed to account for some of my fucked up temperature regulation. Anyone who can explain this to me please do.
Also explain to me lizards who match whatever they are against. Do they use their eyes for that? Have they done any experiments where they blind chameleons and stuff? or done like mini chameleon lobotomies? how does the brain tell the skin how to change. Also could a chameleon will itself not to match the surroundings? Could a chameleon go on a suicide mission? Maybe the main difference between us and chameleons is that we can go on suicide missions. We are so lucky!
I think of a lot of science questions but I am not good with the answers.

7 comment(s):
I thought the O train went from nowhere to nowhere.
Your internet cuts off at midnight?! That sounds like Ottawa!
Anonymous, at
6:17 a.m.
I'm sick of cabbies hitting on you too.... take a break and hit on me for once..... god....
Jillian Grady, at
8:00 a.m.
my internet doesnt get cut off at midnight and doesnt have anything to do with living in ottawa.
the otrain is about a half hour ride from one end and back to another but it actually goes pretty far, compared to the amount of time it would take on a bus
Melissa, at
11:27 a.m.
No more cabs. I'm going to buy you a car for your 16th birthday.
Anonymous, at
2:32 p.m.
i never hit on my female fares unless that is they want me to
12:22 a.m.
i saw bloyce and EWWW he was talking to fucking threesome gross couple (the master and the new girl)....
Jillian Grady, at
10:00 p.m.
You look cute in the pic where you are in front of the statue! You look pouty. I guess it's because your not trying to look like some model chick. Just you!
Anonymous, at
2:53 p.m.
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