velvet 17th century mace year of women and children first

The Lewd Angel

a tail of two kitties

My dad lent me his camera but I dont really know how to use it that well and also it is huge because it it a Nikon that wishes it was a proper SLR but it's not. I tried acting up a bit at WalMart the other day but it didn't work so hot so I ended up sending my camera back to the manufacturer and it is only supposed to take about 10 days or so. I am kind of expecting that they won't be able to fix it tho and that they will just send it back to me with a note that says Thanks for trying to pull fast one on us drunky but it's obvious that this camera took a dip in your beer so you can just buy a new one....ugh hopefully not.

I bought some flower pots to paint yesterday and that there is one of my beautiful flowers. Well, my only beautiful flower right now. I am going to buy some seeds and plant more flowers and I am really excited about it. I get a huge thrill out of watching plants grow. Maybe I will even document all their growth and put it on my blog and my small readership will finally give up on me because they will decide that the occasional nearly nude shot is not worth wading thru the mountains of geeky flower growing shots.

Oh my god that just made me remember. Tonight I will document my first OFFICIAL visit to a legion. For those of you who don't know, my life goal is to visit every Canadian Legion and document it.

A few months ago I went to see Sue Johannsen speak and on the way out they were giving out all these free samples of condoms and lube and markers that say herpes health on them and I took a bunch cus I was just excited that they were from Sue but now they have just been in my purse forever and I kind of accidentally fish them out sometimes when I am going to pay for stuff and it is embarrassing. The lube is especially embarrassing because it would be gross if I were carrying it around for some kind of wetness EMERGENCY.


7 comment(s):

yo fuckers didnt anyone notice how pretty my flower is?

By Blogger Melissa, at 3:53 p.m.  

The flower is pretty, and it probably smells even better. Whenever I smell hyacinths I have a difficult time focusing. It appears you might have the same aliment. mmmmm Hyacinths!!!

Now back to my recipe for Passion Sauce.

By Blogger silentsquirrel, at 8:08 p.m.  

pretty flower

By Blogger NYC TAXI SHOTS, at 8:46 p.m.  

thanks im glad some people finally noticed my pretty flower

By Blogger Melissa, at 10:18 p.m.  

Why don't you mail all kinds of camera companies and tell em your a famous blogger. Tell them you get crazy traffic and you will put up an add for them and shit. It couldn't hurt!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:59 p.m.  

they would probably want to see the adress and the stats and I dont think my fancy 321 hits a day would cut it, but that is my strategy for telling off walmart more if i need to...i will say i have up to 4000 hits a day and it will be funny because it will be true that I have, it just wont ever happen again...

By Blogger Melissa, at 12:18 a.m.  


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:51 a.m.  

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