The Prude Angel
I am thinking about stopping blogging. I keep getting into trouble and pissing people off. It is causing me all this anxiety and guilt and I am afraid that people stole my pictures for ghetto third world cheap ass porn rings. I don't know what else to do with myself tho. |

11 comment(s):
please refer to paragraph 2,line 1 in your no pictures=no order post.You love to blog.Its a natural outlet and means of communication of your thoughts,observations,experiences & emotions.As far as upsetting or hurting people maybe you do have to dial it down a bit.But,theres an old saying in the writing biz that if you arent offending someone then you aren't doing your job.Yeah,sometimes when you lay stuff on the line some peeps get a bit uncomfy w/ that.
As far as your pics being smutty/porn....thats just not true.Smut is degrading,self-gratifying & immoral.You are a beautiful and sensual woman.The human body is a piece of art as evidenced by many great works of it.Your pics capture the feelings of the moment that you have.They arent about gratification,they are about expression and observation.
My offer stands on the camera assistance.
Anonymous, at
12:41 p.m.
No nobody buys my stuff.
A few people have offered tolend me money or a camera I am just waiting to see ifIcan return mine in Ottawa and decidehow Ifell aboutaccepting help.
Melissa, at
1:14 p.m.
i wouldn t worry about third world porn rings they show more in national geographic do what you feel you need to do but i dig your blog
3:04 p.m.
Well on behalf of the National Association of Ghetto Third World Cheap Ass Porn Rings, I hope you'll continue to blog. I actually come for the articles. Um, yeah, the articles.
Anonymous, at
3:35 p.m.
If you're pissing people off ... thats all the more reason to keep blogging :)
Blog away
Anonymous, at
7:53 p.m.
Go anonymous.
nk, at
8:32 p.m.
don't stop blogging, go get interviewed
Jillian Grady, at
6:29 a.m.
Hey I come here for the writing, it's hilarious, I liked reading it. Don't feel guilty everyone has odd-trains of thoughts, but some of us have pussies that are big and are too afraid to say what we really think, and others don't. Or maybe just go anonymous and we'll keep it a secret.
Krista, at
7:28 a.m.
yeah right you can't stop!
its an addiction.You will need a blog recovery group.
I don't think one exists yet.
Kathryn, at
8:14 a.m.
blog recovery group you could be on to something
8:45 a.m.
yeah interview me.
Melissa, at
10:08 a.m.
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