velvet 17th century mace year of women and children first

The Lewd Angel

picture me trashed

I am on a stuid internet kiosk. I got trashed and dropped my camera in my beer last night and now I am depressed cus it's broken and I need a bunch of money to get a new one. If somebody wants to buy an ipod or lend me a camera ummmmmm somebody should.....I will cry about it more hopefully tomorrow. Also I am looking for hobo work. hope you all enjoyed the worst post ever.


8 comment(s):

hey screetus talked a lot about you when i visted him this weekend, your blog is hot i love all your pictures very much, i'd buy you stuff but i can't even buy me stuff for a while, sorry!

By Blogger Krista, at 7:14 p.m.  

How much do you need? And if we buy you one, can we request shots?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:14 p.m.  

I would but I just spent all my money on a suit, thanks to some hot chick in a store.

By Blogger Colin Weltin-Wu, at 7:01 a.m.  

why should anyone buy you anything? we all have to work hard to get what we want. it's not a criticism, just a suggestion to grow up already. you will feel better, in the long run, about yourself.

your soul is worth more than the price of a camera.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:08 a.m.  

Sorry to hear about your camera. On the plus side: if there's a good way for a camera to die then drowning in beer is it.

I've been playing with cafepress. Your light switch cover disturbs me! I'm not sure I could reach out and flick the switch.

I'm about to sign up with cafepress. Send me a referral (I think it's just your store ID) and then you get 5% of the nothing that I'll sell. By 2040 we may both be able to afford new cameras.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:26 a.m.  

i will send a referral when I have more time. Nodody buys my stuff tho and I don't expect that anyone ever will.

By Blogger Melissa, at 11:54 a.m.  

Is the cam still under warranty? You could try to get it serviced. Just don't tell em you dropped it in the hops.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:03 p.m.  

I dont know about my camera my receipt and shit is in ottawa

By Blogger Melissa, at 12:59 p.m.  

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