I can do the splits in my mind

I cancelled a doctors appointment a couple weeks ago because I thought I had to work. They told me they would call to reschedule because after three times of telling them I wanted to reschedule and then being put on hold and then somoene new picking up the phone and saying how can I help you? I was like how about you can NOT put me on hold until someone else comes to the phone. They never called me back about rescheduling and now I just called to make an appointment but they can't take me until after my pill has already run out. It makes me want to scream at them that if I kill myself that it will be their fault for being a bunch of lazy fucking ghetto medical secretaries.

I realize that, that is kind of distorted and fucked. Often I feel fine but then I'll find myself in bed choking myself and I'll stop but I can't explain when I'm fine how tempting it is. Am I writing this for attention? I don't know. I'm not making it up tho. I can't explain what has made me want to compulsivly write all this shit down. I don't think it's cool. I am 25. I know it's not normal. I know that I alienate people by writing it down. Nobody wants to read it and just casually mention "so....you choked yourself for a bit today? do anything else interesting?" I am crazy but not crazy enough to think that writing about suicide on the internet is a good way to make friends.

The writing and the pictures are kind of a double edged sword. Since I have started this I think of suicide much less. That might be coincidence since I started pills at the same time but I really don't think so. Documenting my life in detail has somehow renewed my interest in living it. At the same time, it has probably pushed people farther away from me and has put me even further into this tiny world where only I exist. I make jokes out loud but I know that sometimes when people laugh that we are maybe not laughing at the same thing. I can't understand people.

I can feel my mind slipping away. I don't know what's real and what's not. I think the hardest thing about a mental illness is being self aware of it to a degree. My friend Morgan who was schizophrenic once asked me if I thought I would ever be married and I told him I don't know. I asked him the same question and he said no, although he said he would like to be married. He knew that it was not something he could have in life because of his illness. It made me very sad because although his illness took away his ability to be in a normal relationship, it in no way took away his capacity for love. One day Morgan asked me to kiss him and I did. I think he might have told his guy friends afterwards that I gave him a blow job. Maybe he thought I did...I really have no idea. I didn't regret it though, after he died I was glad that he had kissed atleast one girl who really loved him. I know he loved me back. |

9 comment(s):
i love your blog it alwasy entertains me, always interesting. do you usuall take lots of photos around ottawa, ive tried to a bunch of times and all i find in this town is crap, nothing good to photograph at all unless you want touristy shit, which i dont like at all if you have any ideas let me know or if you want to ever check out some pics i did of ottawa im going to post them on a site soon or email me at hallnik@gmail.com
Anonymous, at
8:48 p.m.
Sure, let me know when you get your site up and I will be to have a look at them. All the pictures on here have been taken in Ottawa. I think the best thing for pictures is just to take your camera everywhere, eventually you will notice things that are interesting.
Melissa, at
12:23 a.m.
oh yeah except for the ones that arent taken in Ottawa. I just realized that I lied.
Melissa, at
12:25 a.m.
I read your words and see your photos, and it's almost like i was near you. I'm sure you are a great company.
Let me tell you my experience: I've never thought much about marriage! I always have problems to understand totally my ex-girlfriends. I used to spend my weekends, locked on the room, or going out alone.
But, when you are almost giving up, here comes (from "nothing) the person were expecting. It happened to me. I'm married since 2002, and i'm happy. I don't have any problems with my wife, since we share a honest love and confidence.
I hope you find your "perfect partner" soon. I think you deserve that! Year 2006 will be different. Be more optimistic.
NOTE: not all guys invent blow jobs for friends. :)
Ricardo Almeida, at
9:30 a.m.
Morgan was schizophrenic so he didn't necessarily "invent" it if he did say it.
Melissa, at
12:04 p.m.
yea my camera is huge so its kinda hard to lug around everywhere, i guess i should just buy a point and shoot and leave my good camera at home but i like all the different things you can do with good cameras and its so hard to switch back
Anonymous, at
1:42 p.m.
I like how you make the camera part of your life. You've got some really good settings, and your spontaneity is sincere.
I don't claim to have read your whole blog, but I think a lot of college age people can relate to your angst - keep sharing! :-)
P.S. To your other reader, Ottawa has as much to photograph as any other city. You just need to find an emotion and a place.
Anonymous, at
5:36 p.m.
I wish you didnt call it angst.
Thanks for the compliments.
Melissa, at
12:15 p.m.
melissa, sometimes you are soo profound you make me want to cry.
Stussi 613, at
2:06 p.m.
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