
I pee in the shower. I heard that peeing in the shower is good for killing bacteria on your feet or something and that is sort of my exuse for why I do it. The truth is tho that I just kinda like to pee standing up all freestyle. Sometimes I go through these weird phases where I just find peeing in a toilet really extremely BORING. I'll have to pee but the idea of just going in the same old toilet again just turns me off. Sometimes in those phases I will hold it in until I have a shower so I don't have to go through the tired toilet routine. Other times I will maybe go outside or in the sink but usually I just pee in the toilet and think stuff like is this what my life has been reduced to? peeing in the goddam toilet....AGAIN!

Oh yeah. If ever you are bored here is good thing to do. Have a bath and bring a towel in the tub with you. I did it once by accident and it is strangely awesome to feel a big wet towel on your body in the water.

Infinite Crisis says:
when is your blog gonna go back to being funny instead of being whiney
Beaksneaker says:
i dont know
Beaksneaker says:
when i get a fucking life |

3 comment(s):
Melissa, peeing in the shower causes athlete’s foot or fungus.
Thats why they call it athelete's foot because athelete's pee in the shower's then everyone gets atheletes feets. get it?
Anonymous, at
6:26 p.m.
Melissa, at
8:10 p.m.
I swear it's true.
Anonymous, at
8:05 p.m.
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