One and a half bottles

I went shopping in Montreal yesterday with my sister and I think she has decided that I am now the most embarassing person that ever lived. I was buying clothes from some guy and accidentally pulled a pad out of my purse to pay instead of money which put me in a giggling fit because I had set it on the counter as if to say "there you go one maxi pad" like I was expecting a pantyliner back for change or something. So I started kinda laughing and covering up and he was asking questions like how old I was and what I did for fun and that was making me laugh more because he was sorta cute and I REALLY wanted to tell him about my blog but it's kind of embarassing to just say but then I blurt out I WRITE A BLOG! I WAS ON THE COVER OF THE NATIONAL POST FOR BEING A SLUT! and it was dumb.

We went for beer and I took a bunch of corney pictures of me kissing the glass and stuff.

The most embarassing thing I did tho was in this restaurant there was a hole in the wall between the mens and ladies bathrooms so I was taking pictures thru it with my camera to see if I could see anyone. I could see someone and just got a vague picture of his outline. I had the flash turned on and I'm there yelling BONJOUR! BONJOUR! at the guy through the hole but he was just ignoring me. Then I went upstairs and I tell one of the workers hey there's hole in your wall and I just took picture of some guy in the can. I meant it to come off as hey you guys should fix that because I don't want anyone being a peeping tom on me but instead he kinda took it as Hello! I am a peeping tom!

I have been meaning to interview some homeless people for my blog and I did a half ass one yesterday but I didn't feel like telling the guy I was intervieweing him so I don't have any pictures. He was 29 and he was homeless by choice. He stayed at one of two hostels usually and he usually played the guitar and made 100 dollars a day but yesterday was too cold for that he said. He is homeless because he doesnt like being tied down and said that the material world is not important to him. Then he went on some kind of eastern religion rant that I can't really repeat cus I don't remember but he follows the teachings of someone who said something. His family was from Ottawa and he said he was going home maybe to visit for Christmas soon. I asked him if his family was upset with him for being homeless but he said no that they understand. The thing I find interesting about him is that he is against the material world and spends the better part of his day hanging in one of Canada's most well known shopping districts.

Tessa and I took dumb creepy pictures of ourselves.

4 comment(s):
i like yr tag line, it seems long and nice, the blog
Anonymous, at
10:03 a.m.
Heheh, sometimes I get the foot-in-mouth disease too.
Adrian, at
12:15 p.m.
This is not a place to request pictures of my ass or feet or whatever particular body part you happen to be into. I will continue to post pictures of whatever the hell I feel like but requests for this and that only makes me NOT want to post any pictures of it because it is stupid and degrading and posting whatever strangers ask for turns this into a shitty porn site. There is a shit load of free porn on the internet and if you are looking for that please look elsewhere.
Melissa, at
4:06 p.m.
I enjoyed your article about interviewing a homeless person.Not so easy to get clear response from those that have been turned away by this greedy world.P.S. I worked @ homeless shelter for a year 1/2,very stressful job.good luck.
Trips Beyond, at
11:14 p.m.
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