Have ME for TEA!

I felt kind of weird today.

I found this in my purse today. I guess I wanted to remember that I liked a certain joke last night. I can't even really remember what it was, something about fucking quietly and how it's like fucking Anne Frank and being all shhhh the Germans are downstairs. I lost my virginity to a guy named Timmy who is kinda well known for being a pervert. Anyway he was obsessed with wanting to make a sex game out of "nazi" and "Jew" so one day we went to this big empty park and he was supposed to kinda pretend to catch me and rape me. We ended up getting into this huge fight because I was really trying to get away from him and he decided to get mad at me and said I was pushing him too hard. I was like WHAT THE FUCK DO EXPECT?!?!?! YOU'RE A FUCKIN NAZI! I'M A JEW!

I want to learn Italian. I like how Italian guys always have shoes that are way more stylish than mine.

I hate people who write the word "musings" in their blog
How about you muse on shutting the fuck up |

7 comment(s):
and let's not forget the food...mmmmmm...the food....
rosanovfx, at
9:12 p.m.
food rules
Melissa, at
9:26 p.m.
Hey, dropped you a note at my blog, guessing it might also be sent to you, but if not i'm here with my two pitbulls and a quater pound of pureed chicken liver, what's on the tv?
:) Just teasing. I only have a big rabbit.
This is some good reads here, I'll troll it more often, you got a good wit/funny/honest insight (and I bet a sharper knife than most kids on your block).
hugs and slugs,
Mark, at
10:51 p.m.
Italian is a very nice language, what a weird boyfriend!
but it made me laugh when I read it!
Bleach The infamous strawberry, at
8:58 a.m.
your blog is really interesting
i like it
Anonymous, at
10:46 p.m.
You have very nice breasts.
The Cheese, at
11:45 a.m.
the name of my blog is MUSINGSwithababybottle.blogspot.com. But I don't take naything seriously.
J & D, at
2:28 p.m.
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