My Bogus Adventures

Yesterday was retarded. I woke up at about 2:30 which is half an hour after my last class was over. I had to hand in this project which I didn't know how to do so I had borrowed Laura's and copied off of her. So I go to school and and hand it in and decide that I should stop and get a beer before I go meet my mom this evening. I meet these strangers at the bar and one beer turns into six. So I'm sitting there with these guys and I'm all Oh guess what? I'm awesome! I'm so awesome! I'm gonna be fucking drunk and loud cus I love being the centre of attention! and also read my blog cus I'm obsessed with myself!.....anyhow I had a left a message on my mom's phone with one of these stanger's cell phone number so she could give me a call when she gets in. So eventually she calls and it's excellent that I'm hammered and now I have to go meet her and weirdly the guys were all wanting to come for dinner with us but I wouldn't let them. Anyhow I get on the bus and manage to fall asleep and not wake up until we are at the end of the line, out fucking past the french suburbs and into this practically fucking rural area. So then I'm all *shit shit* but all I can do is wait and take the bus all the way back into the city where my mom thinks I died and I ruined our dinner plans. I also have to call back these strangers and say oh I fell asleep on the bus so that's why my mom called you and asked you if you knew where I was. I also wanted to make sure you know that my ability to embarrass myself goes way beyond your standard just being drunk and obnoxious. I also got to lie to my mom about who those people were cus I didn't feel like explaining that they were just some random guys I was getting drunk with alone in the middle afternoon. Then we ordered Pizza and mom went to bed and I stayed up watching ten million trashy tv shows till 4:30 in the morning including a good half hour of an infomercial for "Girls Gone Wild-Games" featuring two midget referees who go around rubbing their tiny midget faces on the ladies crotchs. Hot. Then I went to bed and laid there for about two hours not feeling tired and being annoyed with the shitty hotel pillows and thinking about my day and how I'm actually not actually as awesome as I claim to be.

3 comment(s):
I like your blog! I'll bet you're just outstandingly amazed now... or maybe not, thanks for the heads up about the font, I didn't really realise the problem spanned so many diffrent browsers. I suppose the excuse "it looks great on mine" doesn't work.
anyway, about the guy who looks like the serial killer from silence of the lambs... yes, yes he does look alot like a young scary buffalo bill...
FilthyRottenAngel, at
7:09 a.m.
It's ok to think you're awesome, I do (think I'm awesome), it must be the creemore. Nice pictures for a self proclaimed unphotogenic sp? Stop falling asleep on busses in french areas.
Anonymous, at
4:33 p.m.
Hey random friend. Why don't you email me? I'm bored.
Melissa, at
5:35 p.m.
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