I am so cut off from ever posting when I am drunk again. I had one of those mornings where you wake up way earlier than you want to because of that *shit what trail of my drunken idiocy did I leave behind last night* panic feeling that grabs you by the chest and makes you not sleep. Ever awesome.
I see I even hauled out the old analog talk last night. I tend do that when I get drunk. I start telling people how analog is better quality in everything and that the quality of communication between people nowdays suffers because its more digital than analog. I don't even understand exactly the meaning of analog but anything digital will have gaps in it that are invisible to us naturally and only come across as loss of quality and anything analog is continuous. I also like to get drunk and talk about how electricity ruined humankind. I'm super cool like that.
Here's a classy picture of me going to the bathroom.

I was lying in bed this morning thinking about trails of drunken behaviour and remembering this one time when I lived in Charlottetown. I got completly hammered off some kind of red wine Carlo Rossi shit. All over the house I left red wine rings and spills. I was laying awake in bed and I could hear my roomates talking about their annoyance with all my red wine stains. I felt really fucked up about the night before so I decided to get angry with them for being mad at me behind my back. We lived in a duplex and the worst thing about it all was that I had messed around with the neighbours brother who I wasn't into AT ALL in a drunken stupour the night before. On the backstep in between the houses I had actually dropped a whole glass of wine and it broke and stained the step in between our houses. It was winter so the wine kind of froze in and stayed there. I was so drunk that I hadn't bothered to clean up the broken glass or anything. The mess just sat there frozen and got in the way of repressing all the shit I wanted to repress from the night before.

"I don't want to be linked to"
-Thanks fucker, it's good to know you're too cool for me. |

10 comment(s):
linked to what?
Anonymous, at
4:53 p.m.
Linked from my website to his website.
Melissa, at
7:37 p.m.
oh, i want an avatar so when i make comments i look badass
also, the word verification isnt really a word, or am i just dumb and not know what lesyxk means?
Markus, at
10:23 a.m.
get an avatar then. move your blog off lame myspace to over here where all the cool computer nerds hang.
also lesyxk is a new word. It's the science of adoring me.
Melissa, at
12:59 p.m.
but on myspace some girl named charlene started talking to me. and it doesnt matter where i put it cause noone is gonna read the f'ing thing anyway
fine, maybe lesyxk is a word but oobzmun certainly isnt
i hate trying to eat m&ms without mixing holidays colours ~> green/red, brown/orange...
Markus, at
2:58 p.m.
you are beautiful
Anonymous, at
6:04 p.m.
I read your blog Nihoa. Who's Charlene?
Melissa, at
7:42 p.m.
Thanks Richard. Are you my friend but you're pretending not to know me?
Melissa, at
8:51 p.m.
charlene is some girl that started talking to me and when i checked her friends out they are all guys who have pics of themselves with no shirts on. fuck that, im not gonna be just another one of charlenes cyber boy-toys
Markus, at
10:42 a.m.
That's hilarious.
Melissa, at
8:21 p.m.
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