The most imporatant thing you should know about this post is that I am drunk and on a dumb ass keyboard and you have to forgive all rudeness and and boringness and non make sensingnes sand keep readinf tomorrow. ALso real pen and paper is way better because it's analog and I'M all about it.
It's a good thing that I'm drunk and that it takes me one minute to edit a sentance because my spelling and typing are completly screwed in the first place. I know that's all wrong but for now I say pffftttttttt.......I was supposed to do some kind of bar law project tonight but instead I did nothing. I had wanted to go see my canadian content celebrity crush Matthew Barber but he was done when I got there so instead of hearing him play I asked him to write my website on his plain white shirt for 20 dollars but he said no and I almost cried cus I'm a baby but then I got over it because he rubbed himself on these slightly overweight slutty looking girls including me and I stopped caring. He was also very drunk and in case he has a lady friend he totally didn't pick up so dpn't be mad or anything. Also one of his friends in his band is from pei so whatever pEI IS SUPER COOL EVEN when pei is too cool for pei.
OH hahahahhahahah also I told this guy named matt one of the craziest things I ever did and it's funny.
ALso my new friend is Ryan from my class and he's really interesting and he's indian and he told me all kinds of stuff I didn't know and maybe when I'm sober I will tell you.
ALso my cabbies name was Rashid and he didnt want to tell me his wife's name cus he felt like I was grilling him but he was pretty nice and he has 6 kids and the oldest one is 19 and the youngest is two months.
Another thing is if you read this tell me so
k thanks |

3 comment(s):
me too
Anonymous, at
1:41 p.m.
Hey Melissa, you're right. We got no work down for our bar law class. We're awesome. I had a great time, though. We'll have to do it again.
Anonymous, at
2:14 p.m.
I had fun too, even tho I'm obnoxious as hell.
Melissa, at
8:24 p.m.
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