The monk flew over the spunk

I made monk costumes for a presentation on beer today. God sewing something makes me feel like I accomplished some giant task. I was talking to this guy in my class that is doing a presentation on the same day I am and I was like "sorry but our presentation is gonna rule and yours will suck in comparison because we are dressing up like pregnant monks and then we are going to go into a holy labour and give birth to a giant beer" but we aren't even doing that I just thought it would be a super hilarious thing to say but he didn't seem to think so.

Last night I decided to just tell a bunch of strangers to read my blog over the internet and one guy told me that he wouldn't read it till I learnt how to spell mastUrbate correctly and I told him that I only masterbate with all the most popular vowels.
Lame-o Computer-o must have picked up a virus cruising porn sites or something so I'm getting while the gettings good. |

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