Hottie Extravaganza!!!!!!!!
I went to this gay bar last night cus fairy James is in town so we had to take him and to see others of his kind. pffft. Anyway I have no time right now to post because I'm headed to a DIFFERENT gay bar tonight. I just wanted to post a bunch of gross pictures of this fat girl and this grosso with a giant rip in the ass of his pants she was humping on the speaker at the bar last night. Also pictures featuring some topless guy who I also took a million pictures of cus he reminds me of the killer in silence of the lambs. Enjoy.....

P.S. I know I'm a total bitch so you don't have to bother telling me. |

5 comment(s):
I am not anyone you know. I would love to be you're friend.
Anonymous, at
10:45 p.m.
Why did you read my blog then?
P.S. You spelt "your" incorrectly.
Melissa, at
2:23 a.m.
I came across your blog the other night and when I saw your photo I was stricken by your beauty and your sassy personality. I do mean sassy in a nice way
ps, you're right I did spell your wrong
Anonymous, at
3:12 a.m.
richard sounds like a sketch-bag
Markus, at
6:16 p.m.
I asked Ricahrd how he cam across my blog and he won't tell me!
Melissa, at
8:26 p.m.
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