Muthafuckers didn't put any dignity in my bag.

James and associates came over last night but we didn't end up making it to the bar because we were too busy telling funny stories and acting ten. We played this game called Sardines that's like hide and seek but when you find the person who's hiding you hide in there with them. We stopped playing it because it was "too scarey". We also played Lego and found out that there is straight lego and gay lego.
James is one of the funniest people I know. One time we were at this doctors office and for some reason the only magazines they had were these ones that were like three times the size of a regular magazine called Equestrian Digest or something along those lines. We were looking at all the pictures and articles and making a dumpload of hilarious jokes. Best joke ever: we were looking at this ad for some ranch that was for sale for some ridiculous amount of millions of dollars and James is all "hmmm very nice I'd buy it but, then I wouldn't be able to take that trip to the moon". We laughed our asses off and tried to hide behind the giant magazine after that zinger.
Also, I am NOT obsessed with going to doctors offices even tho it might seem like I am because they get mentioned in here fairly often.
Later on I will tell you one of the stories I told last night but right now I am too lazy. James and I filmed the first edition of what is to become an ongoing series of my interpretive dancing. It's fucking hilarious as far as I am concerened and also one of the most embarrassing things I could ever post of myself on the internet. I find as I age I am completly losing any sense of dignity I ever had. Turn up the volume as high as you can.

13 comment(s):
I was blogsurfing Angel. There are thousands of blogs to look at. Most of them are boring and none have an author as beautiful as you.
Anonymous, at
10:48 p.m.
too uptight. lose the fake.
merkley???, at
2:06 a.m.
it was too dark and i couldnt see anything but i think its funny your gay friend has a gay laugh
Markus, at
8:51 a.m.
Mr. Beast, at
10:39 a.m.
I don't even understand you Merkley???
Melissa, at
11:00 a.m.
me likey drunkness dance. fun, fun.
Anonymous, at
12:00 p.m.
the little one playing cards looks worth railing...
Markus, at
12:06 p.m.
She's playing lego Nihoa! GET IT STRAIGHT!
Melissa, at
10:43 p.m.
Ahh, what a nice compliment: I could be railed. Maybe dreams really do come true.
Hungrily yours,
~The Little One
Anonymous, at
11:21 p.m.
hey now, how do you know i wasnt talking about the other little one?
Markus, at
12:29 p.m.
That's very true...and he is gay ;)
p.s. And I only use my powers of Chlamydia in the fight against evil...and sometimes the French.
Anonymous, at
4:20 p.m.
sweet moves.
Anonymous, at
7:50 p.m.
ooo so it was passion then?
Markus, at
8:17 a.m.
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