No YOU light the firecracker.

Today was ultra boring I only left the house once and I only went about three blocks away, and the whole time I was outside I was freezing my ass off. I got in an internet fight with some guy because raymi sent him this email and he decided to say that I was was lame and boring and a raymi copycat so I said his stupid kids talking about how they are obsessed with fecal matter jokes suck and teased him for posting ten million picture of no doubt on his blog. Then he was all whatever they are like my best friends and it reminded me of Pineau with the Wintersleep on the Alchemy messageboard and I decided that it was a boring argument. Anyway he only said one thing that was true and therefore kind of bothered me and that was a burn on the bags under my eyes as of late. WOOO. He just sent me another long tell off just now telling me that even tho he finds me really boring he likes spending forever telling me off to improve his typing skills. He also wanted to tell me that he doesn't find me attractive and I was pretty dissapointed because I was really hoping to get with someone older than my dad.

I had wanted to go to Montreal today but I forgot I had agreed to look after my brother. I planned on picking up a homeless guy to escort me to club super sexe I thought it would be kind of funny but maybe I wouldn't have had the balls to anyway....

2 comment(s):
Wow. That guy sounds like a dick; a very frustrated dick, at that. And his kiddie excrement jokes aren't funny--just concerning. I think he's trying for ironic immaturity, but it's just plain sad. Hmm, if he checks this, he may go after me next. Oh no! Without knowing anything about me, he'll probably just call me the usual female insults (e.g., slut, stupid, etc.). Meh.
Anonymous, at
7:50 p.m.
In his last letter to me he told me that I lookeds ATLEAST 35 years old. He said that on account of my "fat wings" on my arms.
Melissa, at
8:28 p.m.
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