I'm practically in Abba.

I forgot to say this earlier hahahah there was this old man talking some guys ear off inside the record store and finally when he goes to leave he says "I'm gonna go buy a bucket of ice cream and lick it". Best thing I heard all day.

I went to the doctor again today and it wasn't exciting at all but I just wanted to mention that the medical clinic I go to is a ghetto medical clinic. Besides the fact that everyone who is there looks all poor and stuff the lady who shows you to your room has a spider tatoo on the back of her neck and in all the little kid drawings that are hanging on the wall some kid drew this picture that says "2Pac 4 Life".

I probably won't post later since our class is putting on our pub night tonight and I have to work till 3am or so. I went to the mall and tried to look for clothes that were hot and glamorous but I couldn't find anything so I will most likely end up settling for dressing kinda slutty.

I also wanted to mention that it is kinda funny that I am obsessed with taking whorey pictures of myself because if you saw them you would know that I am kinda fat.

9 comment(s):
how do you think it doesn't make sense?
Melissa, at
1:35 p.m.
I have linked you.
I'm taking for granted that this is acceptable behaviour on my part.
I'm still trying to figure out what city in Canada you live in. Ottawa, perhaps?
I've never been to Ottawa.
Jess, at
3:37 p.m.
But no, that's not right. You're somewhere on the west side of things. Edmonton could be a possibility. This is creepy of me.
Jess, at
3:47 p.m.
You're killin me.
Anonymous, at
7:54 p.m.
I am in Ottawa you guessed right. Thank you for the link. I will link you too but I am gonan do it tomorrow when I'm less tired.
Melissa, at
12:31 a.m.
I guess I meant in pictures that are "whorier" than the ones I publish just to explain all that confusion.
Melissa, at
12:32 a.m.
I took a picture of myself once, wanna see it?
Anonymous, at
4:48 p.m.
That sounds liek what someone would say right before they hauled out a picture of their schlong.
Melissa, at
8:33 p.m.
That made me laugh hard, you are a funny girl
Anonymous, at
9:03 p.m.
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