Extended Edition

Another thing I was thinking about panties is how most young women probably buy their undergarments at La Senza and I hope that when I get naked with a guy that he's not all "oh that tired old bra and panty set". No way dude this is from the "Candy" collection it's a new line fucker!

The puppies were almost too cute. I can picture someone stealing that picture of those two and writing some hokey peice of crap inspirational message on it that gets passed around by fatties in offices who spend half their day talking about their kids and eating timbits. You know the kind of people who hang up cutesy animal pictures with corney captions written on them in their cubicles and you hate them for it.

We went for Thai food today and the waitress was tiny. I could probably have put her in a camping backpack and took her around with me.

5 comment(s):
Puppies are always cute, there isn't any alternative.
As for underwear, well...I guess I never thought as I was rending it from inviting thighs, "Hey, guess I should check the tag, here, eh?"
Always new thoughts in a new world.
BeckoningChasm, at
11:13 p.m.
I like lace, just nopt excessive amounts of lace, or purple lace.
Melissa, at
11:25 p.m.
i love the photo of the trees
Anonymous, at
5:40 a.m.
Thanks Zorro
Melissa, at
7:00 a.m.
post pics of your new undies
Markus, at
11:00 a.m.
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