Daddy's on the drink again.
My friend Jill today said that my blog depressed her because I just talk about drinking and I make it seem like I think it's really cool to be an alchoholic. She is annoyed with me because I never email her anything of length which is true. At any rate it really offended me for her to think that the subject of most of my writing is being drunk or thinking being an alchoholic is cool or whatever. The weird thing is that I was talking to someone else about this who said that he views it as 5 of my last 7 posts are about drinking. I honestly don't get that at all and so I am asking for some feedback. Do those people who read this feel that it is just about me drinking or what?
The place I work at is this kind of funny cafe/restaurant which is frequented by an interesting cast of characters. They all have money because it is fairly upscale place but it's just really strange. There is one guy who comes in who is a wine distrubutor and photographer. He takes classy pornographic pictures of women and brings in this thing he calls an image bank and kinda shows them around to different people. It's kinda weird because he shows pictures of girls to people that know them as casual aquantainces. Sometimes he is all sneaky and discreet about it and other times very hey practical stranger look at this naked picture of a hot girl. I want to ask to look at them but I feel kind of weird about it. I think that while I was looking at them that my reaction would be too carefully studied. He showed me one once and I kinda blushed and said "Oh you're a photographer!" even though I knew full well he was. I want to ask him if he just takes these pictures for fun or what. I'm not really sure about his story but it's usually pretty interesting when he comes in.
I don't think hackers use magic says:
buy anything?
LGM - Betty Kennedy's Head says:
go to the washroom?
LGM - Betty Kennedy's Head says:
buy anything? for xmas you mean?
I don't think hackers use magic says:
I don't think hackers use magic says:
i just got back
LGM - Betty Kennedy's Head says:
just some stuff for my parents
I don't think hackers use magic says:
i sat down on the toilet seat cus it was down and im on my period and i got blood all over the cover
LGM - Betty Kennedy's Head says:
no comment
I don't think hackers use magic says:
I don't think hackers use magic says:
going in the blog
LGM - Betty Kennedy's Head says:
nice touch
I got caught skipping school today and telling a dumb lie about how we got let go early. I'm a moron cus it snowed like crazy today and I never left the house and made any tracks in the snow. So I guess my dad tracks my lies through snow. I was relieved to get caught tho because I hate making up retarded shit and I suck ass at it and know I'm not believable anyway. Anyhow I ended up fessing up to barely going to school and sleeping completly fucked and being on stupid meds for depression. It was okay but the funny result is that he put parental controls on the internet to kick me off at 2. I have a password to get on and it is "gotobed". I wish I weren't as old as I am.
I was thinking how I wanted to change my description of my blog underneath where it says the lewd angel and I thought wouldn't it be funny if I called it the longest suicide note ever written but I'm not sure people would get it or find it funny.

10 comment(s):
Can you post some more pictures of you?
Anonymous, at
8:38 p.m.
As another alcoholic--hang on, you said you aren't one. Damn, there goes my introductory remarks. Uh...
I'll just say you've got an interesting blog, here, then.
BeckoningChasm, at
10:40 p.m.
Oh, and they are very nice pictures, too. Not because they're erotic (though they can be seen that way) but because they're very natural looking.
BeckoningChasm, at
10:42 p.m.
Hey, only know what your situation is. I have 2 blogs, one is rather normal, the other isn't. Great pictures BTW, love the B&W
Phil, at
12:26 p.m.
If it wasn't for alcoholism I wouldn't be where I am today,........ broke and going to holland college to get my high school. Thank you Carlo Rossi.
Anonymous, at
3:37 p.m.
You're funny Greg. I'm glad I'm not the only screw up.
Melissa, at
5:39 p.m.
im sorry i made you upset the other day, now i feel like i dont deserve my shout out you gave me in one of the other posts
Markus, at
12:04 p.m.
I think the "Longest very ironic and
Anonymous, at
5:28 p.m.
truely it is about drinking
but anyway who cares
Bleach The infamous strawberry, at
5:50 p.m.
hey there,
just checking out your 'thoughts'............
Nice to see someone so bitter be so funny and real. I've never read anyone's blog before but yor kind of remind me of me. Really smart, sarcastic and a bit lost. Anyway, I'm not a stalker or some creep looking for more PHOTOS.......
But hey, it's nice to see mirrors of yourself when you feel slightly alone.
BY the way, I'm finishing my martini, (with baked goat cheese, salsa and rye crisps, some balance i'd like to pretend) and I am a bitter waitress as well.
take care, keep buying frivolous undergarments....... think I might buy something silly myself
Anonymous, at
10:05 p.m.
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