velvet 17th century mace year of women and children first

The Lewd Angel

I like how Blogger refuses to upload pictures.

Last night I met my friend at the comedy place and we hung out and it was kinda fun. We got into kind of a little fight which is funny since I barely know him. I could be DISARMINGLY PERSONAL AND HONEST and tell you all about it but I am really not in the mood. Anyway whatever it was fine and I got my co op placement at the comedy club and I will probably make total shit for tips but atleast I will get to hear some funny jokes.

I just wrote another test today and for every single test this week I have been about a half hour late so now it is just retarded because when I finally roll into class there is about 15 people giving me that late again eh? look and it is kind of embarrassing.

Judge Snooty says:
what happened with that girl you fooling around with?

Nihoa says:
i told her to fuck off and she did

Nihoa says:
she turned out to be really crazy and she was getting fingered by guys in her parking lot so i ignore her now

My bed has six blankets on it including one duvet that is more like a wad of feathers bunched up in a ball between two sheets. It is kind of a big deal to untangle myself from the mess of sheets and blankets in the morning and if there was a fire in the middle of the night I would probably die because the blankets would say "sorry dude you are staying here with us to burn".

P.S. These kind of blogsites make me feel really weird.


5 comment(s):

You have and extra http//. You link looks like this:

Take the second http// out

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:45 p.m.  

You're popular these days.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:00 p.m.  

Bill Gates hates you.

By Blogger Ciavarro, at 10:19 p.m.  

i need to a phone outlet its urgent...somebody...actually said something important today..i want to document it....

By Blogger Damien Rex, at 12:11 p.m.  

what did they say?

By Blogger Melissa, at 1:05 p.m.  

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