deeper than a mass grave

So I was on the bus today and there was this family sitting across from me and the mom had written on her shoes "Shoes are for Suckers". That in itself is pretty stupid if you ask me, the woman was probably thirty and in my opinion you are not allowed to write shit on your shoes unless you are 15 and full of so much angst that you feel the need to express your love for anarchy or the Dead Kennedy's on your clothes. If you're gonna be writing shit on your shoes atleast make sure it is either A) motivated by teen angst or B) remotely funny. At any rate I'm getting off topic here because what I thought they said was "Globs are for Suckers". I spent a long time thinking about what it could mean and all I could imagine was cum globs or something from blow jobs and I was thinking whoa lady you seriously need to get some class.

One of my old boyfriends sent me a picture today and it made me remember why I liked him and I think I will do a post about all my old boyfriends with pictures of all of them and talking about them. Then I will compare them all in bed and discuss their penis sizes.

That is a joke to make them all bawl. MUAHHAHAHHAHAHAHA I AM SOOOOOO HILARIOUS!!!!

So I'm in a moronic mood in case you can't tell and I don't feel I have anything worthwhile to write but the pressure is on because I am all excited about the amount of hits I had on my site today. Lately I find I keep on forgetting if I remember stuff. I'm kinda scared I am taking my pill three times a day because I think I forgot to. I also keep on confusing dreams with reality. WHOA DUDE WHAT IF LIKE IT'S A SIGN THAT SOON MY DREAMS WILL BECOME REALITY. THAT'S WAY DEEP.

It's funny how rarely you see a functioning barber pole. This barber pole is my favourite because it is broken full in two and the bottom part spins and the top part doesn't. Who do you call to repair your barber pole? It's so old fashioned. It must be like trying to get someone to fix your typewriter. |

17 comment(s):
holy shit Melissa! it started with your feet and your showing your underwear for the whole damn world to see. not to mention all the perv's chokin their chickens to your breasteses.
Anonymous, at
11:34 p.m.
Well, Melissa, I have to admit that your site is damn nice. Good pics. You have a poetic face (pls don't ask me what that means).
Come over to my blog when you are free. It's here:
If you had a yahoo messenger, I'd like to add you to my list.
Pradeep Puranik, at
12:24 a.m.
Nice pics, you are really beatiful girl, I start to read your blog.
Anonymous, at
8:15 a.m.
no critisizing or trying to freak me out please.
Pradeep K I know poetic gace face means probably it's liek when I saw someone has renaisannce eyes or Botiicelli face.
I don't have yahoo messenger.
Melissa, at
8:19 a.m.
are you ever gonna take off your clothes? are you sure you didn't take seduction at the gonq?
Anonymous, at
10:20 a.m.
who are you?
Melissa, at
10:54 a.m.
id say we are on a countdown to some serious nipple exposure
Markus, at
12:15 p.m.
did you have a Messanger?
Anonymous, at
12:18 p.m.
Am I the only one reading this for the written content?
Jess, at
2:12 p.m.
Im sean
Anonymous, at
3:52 p.m.
see Melissa I told you. eduardo's is right though.
Anonymous, at
6:06 p.m.
theres a whole in my bucket..
liza a whole...
theres a whole in my bucket..
come on now theres only 1409 views slacker...
wheres the drama...the action..
i want more jackie chan..more blood..
josh the loneliest campfire
Damien Rex, at
6:29 p.m.
Thank You Postmodern Sleaze. I am not against anyone telling me that I am pretty but this is not hot or not and I am not writing this blog so a bunch of guys can hint around that they's be happy to fuck me. I am not being bitchy I just don't want this blog to turn into a thing where it seems like the point of my blog is for guys to tell me I'm hot.
Melissa, at
8:42 p.m.
postmodern, I'm kind of half way there with you. Sure, I read it cause M's funny as hell and can be as clever as they come, but I'm only human, and a male one at that. MMM, how to put this...If a girl reading shoes that say 'shoes are for suckers' starts immediately thinking about cum and blowjobs, perhaps the the girl reading the shows needs a little class, not the women wearing them?
Anonymous, at
8:50 p.m.
Yes David that is part of what makes the story funny BUT HONESTLy it looked like "globs" on one of the shoes.
It was asll in capital letters except for the h. It's hard to explain but on one shoe it honestly did look like that.
Melissa, at
9:16 p.m.
wow, you are gorgeous, wish you were in europe...:P
arg, at
12:53 p.m.
i'd like to lick you . . .
Anonymous, at
9:32 a.m.
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