I did something really extremely stupid. I accidentally put a link to my blog on some people's site whom I kinda know as casual aquaintances and who know my mom and all her friends and now I am scared they will all read this and I will make my ma unhappy. I have left a comment for them to please not read this and please delete the link to my site and I really hope they do because right now I feel like I am gonna puke because the worst feeling in the world for me is upsetting my mom.Okay please people keep reading my blog but right now I am gonna go set a bunch of posts as drafts and hope that they delete my comments tomorrow. Also if anyone knows how to delete a comment or change an adress thru halosacn that might help. |

8 comment(s):
I had to delete my blog for the same reason man if my mom woulda read that thing. can I see your feet again?
Anonymous, at
10:53 p.m.
are picking on me?
Melissa, at
11:09 p.m.
yea, i'm sorry
Anonymous, at
11:21 p.m.
change your blog description too, ma won't like that. you know, the sucide note.
Anonymous, at
11:23 p.m.
yeah i was gonna say the same thing about the longest suicide note ever... change that if you odn't want your mom to be upset...
Anonymous, at
4:18 a.m.
Chin up MMM.
Mom's always love and forgive.
Anonymous, at
5:51 a.m.
I know I just didn't want to upset her or make our small town that we are from gossip about her. It's all fine now tho cus they deleted the comments for me.
Melissa, at
6:07 a.m.
I would be fine if it was just really gossip about me I just don't want my mom to get gossiped about. I put the link on the page of people that work with her.
Melissa, at
6:21 a.m.
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