put your life in a box and bury it.

I am going crazy because I only have two friends in this town and one is not here and Laura I think might be mad at me or something because she wouldnt answer the phone but then someone did but then they hung up on me and didn't answer again and I am confused. Also I called people and PEI and they arent calling me back either so I am busy feeling sorry for myself and wondering how on earth I can suck so much at having friends. |

10 comment(s):
Sometimes you have to have inner strength. You CANNOT have someone else be the sole source of your happiness, or you are doomed to disappointment.
If you're worried about friends, call them and tell them you're worried. True friends will listen.
Nice photo, by the way. You seem to photograph quite well.
BeckoningChasm, at
8:44 p.m.
Yeah I just seriously need to get out because I am going crazy from no social life. I dont have a flickr account but I will probably make one some day and on that day I will link it from here. Thanks
Melissa, at
9:07 p.m.
friends are for losers.
Kathryn, at
11:43 p.m.
Hey that's what the holidays are about right? Stress and testing the limits of your relationships?
Sorry to hear about the social challenges. Try to relax, in a few days the world should start returning to normal.
Justin Beach, at
9:46 a.m.
could it be a full moon?
Waddie G., at
9:50 a.m.
Although i love your Blog, my advice is to turn off the computer for some days. Try to call your friends, try to get out, talk, laught, "socialize", make any sport, etc.
"We forgive" if we lost you for some days, but with a 100% batteries's return.
I never get tired of your fantastic photos. Congratulations.
Turn off the computer.
Ricardo Almeida, at
12:04 p.m.
I disagree with Ricardo. I think you should make friends online.
This is creepy-esque, but we should hang out. I'm going to be in Ottawa next month, because one of my closest friends from Alberta is moving there.
Yup, this was creepy. But I'm creepy like that.
Jess, at
4:15 p.m.
No way we should totally hang out! I like you. Plus we can be total nerds and double blog about it. Email me and let me know when you are coming up.
Melissa, at
5:15 p.m.
awhh!those kind of things happen, but then you know it just goes by, if you go out more you ll socialize more and then you ll complain because you re never home and always drunk!
Bleach The infamous strawberry, at
5:45 p.m.
it's not really that I am always on the computer and don't call my friends, it's more that I actualy don't have any friends in this town.
Melissa, at
6:54 p.m.
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