Hung Up

I just sat around all day waiting for people to get into work cus I thought I might have to work today and now I don't. I am pissed off because I was going to go to Wal Mart and buy material to sew something but now it is dark and I'm in my coat and scarf and I don't feel like going because I am not in the mood to come back here and sew all night like the biggest geek on the planet because I miss my old identity of alcholic retard or even just someone with something to goddam do besides sit around and check my email and try calling my friend that hates me now and feel guilty and wonder if maybe its because of something on my blog that she hates me and I have no exuse other than I have a big mouth about everything. |

1 comment(s):
Hello, I just stumbled upon your blog the other day and I found it quite interesting.
I went to WalMart in Ottawa today and let me tell you, you really did not miss anything. I believe the word 'zoo' or 'awful' would best describe the journey.
Anonymous, at
3:09 p.m.
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