I was cirmumstansized at birth.

I am at some cornhole internet place on Yonge st being a loser because all I can think about is my fucking camera and my blog and I have a serious problem because I am hugely addicted. I just rode on the street car downtown with Josh and didn't really talk to him cus I am a cranky bitch about my camera being broken.

I will talk a little bit about Josh now because he makes me kind of sad. I have known him since I was about 5 or 6 years old because me and his older sister were friends. He watches much music all the time even tho he tells me that he doesn't and he is like depressed because he is not rockstar and he is OBSESSED with celebrities and being mad that they are celebrities or something, also he was stalking this muchmusic veejay girl because he is in love with her and he hangs around outside muchmusic playing music because he wants them to notice him and he gave his cd to the girl that he was stalking and he says that the veejays job is to promote music and I was like "no Josh, it is to be pretty and obnoxious on tv" but he is just all wonky about things. Also he keeps on trying to kiss me all the time and asking me to go make babies in alleyways with him. He makes me sad because he is sad and bitter and he needs to turn off the tv and just enjoy music for music and stop being wonky and stalking veejays and thinking he is in love with them. He is secretly very smart but he will just talk nonsense on and on and I dont know why. He also is all like dude nowone likes me cus of my dumb hair but he wants to have dumb hair so he can be mad that nowone wants to give him a job on account of his dumb hair. He knows that I am writing all this so I am not being this big backstabber just so you all know.

One time Claire and I found a dead snake on dirt road and we took it home and we put it in Josh's sock drawer inside one of his socks and I just remembered that yesterday and I asked him about it and he said that he didn't find it for weeks and that it was rotting and stinking up his room and that it scared the shit out of him. About once an hour I think about it and laugh out loud for because that it a pretty fucked up thing for us to have done.

I want to move to Toronto and I wish it weren't so expensive or that I had some kind of sugar daddy boyfriend who lived here or something. I actually have seriously been wishing for a sugar daddy boyfriend because I am lazy and a slut but seriously I will not let you be my sugar daddy boyfriend unless I love you so don't be scared off by the fact that I am looking for a man to support me because all I wanna do is drink and blog and eat breakfast at Burger Palace.

Yesterday Josh and I went and had some beers at some pub and then we were talking about families kind of and I started to cry because sometimes I get to thinking about how many people are sad and lonely and frustrated and I start to cry in the middle of pubs. One time Sarah and I went for breakfast in this super hick place called O'leary I think it was in O'leary and we were talking about sad country songs and we both started to bawl our eyes out and locals were already thinking we were fucked cus we prolly stank like booze and had dumb clothes on. |

16 comment(s):
I've lived in both Ottawa and Toronto. The analysis:
- Toronto isn't that much more expensive than Ottawa.
- Ottawa is boring.
- Toronto is fun.
Find a way and move. It might just be the best decision you'll ever make.
nk, at
12:05 p.m.
We spend our lives waiting for delights that never arrive, and recovering from disasters that always do.
Anonymous, at
12:12 p.m.
mmm, seriously, how much do you need for a new camera?I just want to be able to request shots from you, especially, if you swing through halifax or pei.
Anonymous, at
2:11 p.m.
Fu*k Toronto and every moron who lives there. Montreal is where you should head.
Anonymous, at
2:20 p.m.
Nk is right, don't fuck TO because it's cool there, there's lots of stuff to do in both Montreal and TO but TO is TO.
Krista, at
2:44 p.m.
k, his hair isnt even that weird, if thats the guy with the match. and its not like its some small lil shitty town on pei. im betting you see whole lot wierder round the big city...
Markus, at
6:06 p.m.
screetus votes for TO. And I'm not just saying that 'cause I live there. Oh wait, yes I am.
Anonymous, at
7:41 p.m.
shit.............ive fallen 4u,big time....& im not a creepazoid...well,maybe sometimes...how can i help u in your cameraquest?
Anonymous, at
11:43 a.m.
im goin wit u bein even cooler than u think u r bc your lo self-esteem prevents u from realizing how cool u really r
Anonymous, at
11:46 a.m.
12:13 p.m.
Ottawa is dumb and I only live there because I live with my dad. Montreal is nice and cheap but I am not maybe french enough to find a job I'd want and also I would be like the ugliest most nonstylish girl in Montreal if I moved there.
Melissa, at
12:57 p.m.
Nihoa his hair is worse in real life but also whatever.
Also if anyone seriously wanst to help me the camera thing they can lend me money and I will give you my ipod as collateral.
Melissa, at
1:44 p.m.
Damn casinoman, you may not be scaring MMM, but you are scaring the rest of us. Keep the declarations of love for private moments.
Anonymous, at
2:43 p.m.
sugar daddies are way overrated. i swear.
Etienne Aida, at
9:32 p.m.
and you speak for the "rest of us" anonymous? Yeah,youre puttin it right out there straight up by posting anonymously,MYOB.
Anonymous, at
6:04 a.m.
whos that hottie with the match.....hes on fire...
Damien Rex, at
10:58 a.m.
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