This shit is so yesterday.

I was using my pint as a tripod last night and I dropped my camera inside of it, it’s fucked now, it thinks it’s drunk cus it can’t focus on anything. Now I am depressed and panicky because all I really like to do is take pictures and I don’t feel like I can even enjoy myself at all because all I can think about is my camera and how I need to go earn some money to buy a new one. I don’t even have any money coming to me really so I need to go home and get a job right away. Even then I know it will be atleast a month before I can get a new one. I have mental problems cus I kind of see no point in living my life without it.
I went to the blogger party thing last night. It was kind of dumb cus I decided I felt too shy and ugly and creepy to be all hey I saw YOU on the internet so it was just more so Josh and I got drunk and talked to these European immigrant guys who sat with us. I met Raymi but she was riding a conceited wave cus TWICE her and Paige kinda asked me if I came all the way from Ottawa just to go there and also she asked me out of nowhere if I wanted her autograph. Anyway besides all that, she seems nice and she has low voice and I think she wears the same perfume as me and I wonder if people are always saying hey something smells like cigars or old men or something around her too when she wears it.

I find autographs to be the stupid and creepy. Unless you are like the coolest person alive because you are Kate Bush or maybe you are Peggy Lee and you came back from the dead to pop by for tea, I do not need a piece of paper to remember that I met you. I think that there is something wrong in our world that people go around collecting pieces of paper that other people wrote on and treasuring it. I hope that if anyone ever asked me for my autograph that I would just say “no, because you should have some self respect and realize that even tho I am the awesomest person that ever lived I am not, TECHNICALLY I am any better than you”. Probably tho if it happened I would give it to them and just assume that the whole world wishes they could wipe my ass.
I stayed in bed till about 4 today because I am depressed about my camera and also because we “rode the rocket” home so we didn’t get home till late and I passed out on this love seaty thing and told Josh he was crazy when he tried to get me to go to bed.
Josh hands out tattoo fliers on the street for a job and if you see him you should tell him to change his hair and stop getting in moronic spats with retards at the bar. He won’t do it tho because he has leftover teen angst or something and he likes how his stupid haircut drives everyone crazy. Blah, I am writing on word because there is no internet and I want him to hurry up and get home because I am bored.

That guy got pissed off at me cus I was taking their picture and I was like I asked you if I could but I totally didn't ask and he was like no you didn't and then he stared at me with that face and then he took pictures of me with his camera but later on he told me that he didn't hate me anymore and he was telling Josh that a good way to mack on me would be to play hard to get and take off on me. |

8 comment(s):
You were at the party and I missed you?! Crap!
Well as long as you're in Toronto, I recommend continued drinking.
Anonymous, at
11:22 a.m.
melissa,i was a bit pissed off at you taking our photo without asking. taking a snap of you (or pretending to do so in reality) was just to wind you up a bit. No harm done though. JPM
Anonymous, at
4:08 p.m.
Lazy Boy Raymi and Paige were not mean or anything.....I just have no tact in the way that I say thing.
Melissa, at
12:58 p.m.
glad you remmebered to read my blog.
Melissa, at
6:01 p.m.
the autograph thing was raymi's joke for the night.
no conceit.
Px, at
5:41 a.m.
i think that also came off wrong as the way I said it....riding a wave of conceit is a different thing to me than truly being conceited. It is something I do when I am in a good mood. When I am riding a wave of conceit, i do things like ask shy girls if they wanna fuck? and it makes them uncomfortable but I am just joking around and enjoying to make out loud jokes to myself.
Melissa, at
9:34 a.m.
i was joking and drunk and whatever, girl if i travelled from the moon to go to a blogger party i would expect people to make a big deal over it and ask me about it. i didn't exactly intend to write my name on a napkin for you and some gay quote, i wanted to be nice and write you a nice personal letter out of thanks for you coming all the way from ottawa, holy fuck woman.
Raymi Lauren, at
11:42 a.m.
raymi I have emailed you further explaining how i dint mena it as an insult.
Melissa, at
1:46 p.m.
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