The Windriver Sweatpants Erotic Experience

I am home now and back to my own precious computer. I am all gross and I need to go find a job. I am going to try returning my camera later on today. I bought it at walmart just so if I broke it I could go back and pitch a fit and see what happens. I am still going to blog. I was really thinking about quitting and I think I just half ass wrote it down so people could say "NO! I WILL DIE IF YOU QUIT AND SO WILL MY LITTLE DOG" because I wanted some reassurance or something. It's just fucking hard to tell the truth about stuff and not offend people at the same time. I mean however many posts back I talk about getting drunk and getting with that guy from work. Would that offend him? blah because I'd rather just everyone know about my blog. I dont want to be leading this big double life. For some reason I end up with double lives a lot, kind of like a superhero but instead of being secretly awesome I am secretly a retarded bitch.

Yeah so I will maybe try and write more racier stuff in a book or make a magazine and call it the analog blog and nowone will buy it except for maybe Ryan because I will force him to and he won't read it because it will make him uncomfortable. I am awesome at plans.

Okay there is something that has been on my mind a lot lately. It used to be, not that long ago, that it was pretty rare to see someone in a wheelchair out and about in your daily out and abouts. Lately tho it's just like all these wheelchair-ers just rolled on out of the woodworks. They are always on the bus and there is like groups of them in the mall. I just want to know what is going on. Have other people noticed this? Is this maybe just because Ottawa buses have gotten more accessible or what? Are there more people in wheelchairs suddenly? They don't seem to be old so I don't think it's related to the population aging....anyway readers let me know if this is a worldwide phenomenom.

The other day I dreamt that I woke up and Josh was in bed with me and he was telling me that in the middle of the night I got up and was rubbing lotion all over my bare breasts and I was laughing my ass off and being like "WHAT??? WHY???". Then I woke up for real and he wasn't there and I realised it was a dream and my initial reaction was to be kind of dissapointed because I had thought it was SOOOO hilarious that I had done that.
fuckin strange. |

8 comment(s):
this josh seems like a loser...why don't you ditch him and get with a winner....haha.
i am glad you made it home...i spent the whole night worrying about you....i finished the wine you left on the dresser....and the bottle then broke the one with the plugged cork and finished it off on the about 4 in the
i miss you and ......(lame)
hope you are doing well.....
love...(well kinda but then i'd have to define the word)
j..i mean damien....
Damien Rex, at
10:57 a.m.
am glad to hear you will keep blogging . . . it sounds like you need the release and i enjoy reading your posts.
you shouldn't be care so much about what other people think. it should be about what you want in your life. end of story. that said, i think you'll be much happier with your life if you focus on something other than being manipulative ("i just half ass srote it because i wanted reassurance or something"). keep it up and you'll only feel worse about your situation.
you are obviously bright. you don't need to succumb to self-imposed bullshit.
stand on your own two feet. you can do it.
Anonymous, at
12:34 p.m.
Glad to hear you're going to keep blogging. What kind of work are you looking for?
Justin Beach, at
1:14 p.m.
I wasnt trying to be manipulative I dont think. Just blah
Justin I am looking for bartending work prolly....why do you have a job for me?
Lazy boy Bruce Mcculugh is the only guy allowed to say cooter k thanks.
Melissa, at
5:30 p.m.
oh yeah and im dissapointed that nowone has added anything to the wheelchair discussion.
Melissa, at
5:37 p.m.
there's a guy at work in a wheel chair. actually, two guys. and there was a girl, and her husband who were in wheel chairs. acutally you knew the girl from when you worked there too.... i gorge her name... charlotte.... anyways, she got fired for hanging up on like 300 people. also i don't like her cause she asked me to take pictures at her wedding and then backed out. how's that for wheelchair discussion
Jillian Grady, at
6:33 p.m.
yeah that girl was kinda weird. I felt bad for not liking her because she was in wheelchair so I felt guilty about it. She seriously was not likable tho and her voice was really annoying.
also yes
Melissa, at
7:32 p.m.
Melissa, I think you are right - I haven't taken a bus in a few years, but I noticed the other day at a red light that the bus was lowered and someone in a wheelchair was getting on...maybe more people in wheelchairs are using them so they don't get stuck for 3 hours waiting for the stupid para-transpo to show up.
Also, Lazy Boy, if you picked up cooter here then it was when I was saying that Mel shouldn't stick anything in her vag that some lady on the internet said she should. If that is when you came across it then you don't have to link the Dukes, or the Kids in the can just send me $500.00 everytime you use it.
Stussi 613, at
5:54 a.m.
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