all you need are doves

One cliche I am tired of hearing is when people say you can't depend on other people to make you happy. No, you can't depend on them to MAKE you happy and yes everyone needs to have their own stuff going on but that doesn't change the fact that everyone needs love in their life.

In the last 100 years the advancement of technology has enabled individuals to become drastically more independant and somehow along the way, feeling the need for other people has gotten a bad rep. I think it is viewed as a kind of a weakness for people to let loneliness bother them and I think THAT is a big load of shit. The fact of the matter is that for millions of years we have depended on the company of others in order to survive and we are MADE to need eachother because of this. If some kind of huge disaster struck and our technological means of communication were down those people most likely to survive would be the ones who were physically close to their loved ones. It is natural that people should feel anxiety when the only thing keeping them in touch with their loved ones is technology. I think it is arrogant of us as humans to treat the desires built into our genetic code as a small nuisance that is easy to ignore. |

5 comment(s):
too true. for most of last year i felt that way, only physical distance wasn't the only thing separating me from my closest friends. they were living a different life, with different preoccupations and priorities and they didn't really have time for the lagging me who needed them to give him more of their time.
you're right, we shouldn't try and deny the fact that we need other people, other people we love, around us and near us.
i really like how lucidly you put that.
Anonymous, at
1:22 p.m.
But you're still not on MSN =P
Justin Beach, at
4:43 p.m.
Doves are just glorified pigeons.
Your post today is going in my journal, I think. My own personal journal. Because it made something click and make sense to me.
Jess, at
5:13 p.m.
That's probably the best compliment I got on this blog. Thank You.
Melissa, at
10:00 p.m.
all you need is love
12:08 a.m.
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