letter from my pa

Hi Melissa,
I realise that you know that I know about your blog. I didn't tell you that
I knew about it because I didn't want you to feel that you couldn't write
what you wanted to. I apologise for not being more honest.
I haven't told anyone else about lewdangel... not even Jill. But you should
know that it was not hard to find it. I just Googled your name with
"Ottawa" and it was like 3rd or 4th on the list.
I think it is a very good blog. I really enjoyed many of the stories and
you do take some great pictures. Some of my favourite pictures include out
the bus window of the river through the rain, the date box, the dolls in
plastic and many many others. I have been annoyed with the situation as I
haven't been able to tell you that I liked a particular story or set of
pictures. I think you have real talent as a story teller and I think you
could be a writer, photojournalist or someone who does documentaries. You
are a great observer of the ridiculous that surrounds all of us in our daily
lives... I like to think you get that from me! The only thing I observed,
as I believe that you have learned yourself, that you can't write stories
about people that would be upset if they read the story... and you care
about what they think. I am not upset or disappointed about anything I read
on your blog... I am only concerned for you as I know you are fighting
depression and I love you.
If you don't want me to read it, I will stop reading your blog. I didn't
realise that your free site monitoring tools were that sophisticated. Damn
you built-in reverse domain name resolution (the bit that could do a reverse
lookup of the IP address to ********). Pretty good tool for
If you would rather talk to me in person or via e-mail or not ar all, the
choice is yours.
Love Dad |

12 comment(s):
i wish my mum wrote coherent nice emails like that instead of constantly posting comments on my blog. that was really sweet.
Raymi Lauren, at
10:32 a.m.
that is about a thousand times nicer than whatever my parents would write if they ever saw my blog. things are often better than they seem i guess. xo
the pants, at
12:17 p.m.
My dad would have used the word loser at least a dozen times.Im guessin there are lots more people that care about you than you think.
Anonymous, at
1:16 p.m.
You've got a real caring and supportive dad. I can't help but wonder if he'd be comfortable with his letter on your blog, though.
Anonymous, at
2:12 p.m.
well its hard to know what to expect from your parents. I am happy that he is okay with everything but still severely uncomfortable with all the stuff he has seen.i dont think my mom would be thrilled with it. I dont think my dad would care about his letter. Think of all the other things he saw that he doesnt care about.
Melissa, at
2:26 p.m.
That was nice, Melissa. And I hope you feel better than you have been lately. I read your blog daily, and you are an honest and articulate writer who finds the overlooked novelty in the mundane. And, honestly, that's what a lot of what good writing is. I'd like to hang out sometime soon, if I can drag myself away from this avalanche of work. What are you doing tomorrow night?
Anonymous, at
4:00 p.m.
Your dad had "trigger" the subject. That's the perfect time to speak!
Good luck and cheer you up!
Ricardo Almeida, at
4:08 p.m.
Parents shouldn't read their kids' blogs. Ever.
nk, at
4:30 p.m.
hi melissa's dad
5:30 p.m.
Your dad knows about reverse DNS lookups?? Is he some old school hacker dude or something? I'm impressed!
Adrian, at
7:09 a.m.
my dad is an IT or IS manager something or other...
Melissa, at
11:12 a.m.
Ah, cool.
Adrian, at
10:06 a.m.
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