I am pregnant with boredom

I dont have the energy to make any funny jokes about anything lately. I am not taking pictures of myself cus I got fat cus I never leave the house. No wait NOT TRUE I walked to the grocery store for excitement AGAIN today. I must have gotten a good five minutes of excersize, even in the time that it took me to walk there my hood got all covered with ice from the freezing rain. Maybe I should title my blog "waaa waaa waaaa".

I am trying to think of stuff to tell you that isn't me complaining about how I'm miserable and I feel like I am a towel on the floor cus I might as well be. OKAY actually seriously what the fuck why are my depressed thoughts so retarded? why am I like waaa waaa I feel like a towel, because I seriously do feel like towel. I just lay there on the floor along with all the linens and feel like a towel.
Maybe I should write some teen angst poetry about it....oooo I think I will...okay maybe that will give me the energy to be funny again.
The Sad Towel
I lay on the floor like a sad towel.
I have been used and forgotten.
Once I was fresh!
Oh! how you nuzzled me!
and welcomed me when you were naked
and I gladly wrapped you in warmth
absorbing everything you didn't want on you
now I lay rotting
the water you put in my eyes
has soaked my soul and made it stink
while you prance around clean
on your date.
Kill me! |

16 comment(s):
sometimes we have our towel days, and then laundry days, and then sitting in your warm pule of laundry days!!
Krista, at
10:33 p.m.
pile, not pule.
Krista, at
10:33 p.m.
Life is an onion. One peels it while crying.
Anonymous, at
10:37 p.m.
If you just busted that out freestyle, it's pretty fuckin good! If not it's still pretty good.
Anonymous, at
10:51 p.m.
pule: To whine; whimper.
It sort of works.
Anonymous, at
10:52 p.m.
I did bust it out freestyle. Busting out bad poetry is one of my specialites.
Melissa, at
12:13 a.m.
I wish I had a blog so I could boast about how I just added 2 inches by simply reading my spam email.
Anonymous, at
12:29 a.m.
wow nice poem....
want to hear mine...
i call it......
so i listened...still listened....listened somemore....then the pain in my head got so vicious that i was sick for a day...not just your normal sick...i walked for 24 hours listening to your voice in my head.....then i realized i probably have already not met up to your standards so...i decided to write a poem...but it never matterd cause you'd never listen to it.....then i went to court to preach my love for the abuse and the laughed at me..."gee" i can't wait to meet the supposed sublime band.....i hear hes was an evil hate filled man.....
then.... i cried.....but not in shelter like most cowards...i walked to the largest church in the center of the city and cried...but jesus would never hear...and if he did he would laugh at me....and tell me some philosophical bullshit......
so i went to that spot that no one will ever no about.....
for thirty minutes.....waves....not a car....not even a telephone pole...there was even a bird who wistled to me.....
then the poem begins....if death is such a easy step then how come you are all chicken shit...fuck it doesn't even rhyme...
Damien Rex, at
8:57 a.m.
...ummm ronin it is supposed to be funny
Melissa, at
10:15 a.m.
What a fatalistic towel! Doesn't say 'wash me' but 'kill me!' Oh well. Perhaps a quick bath (in a washing machine) will change its mood.
That was the dumbest comment I've ever made. But fuck it, I'm still posting it.
Anonymous, at
8:00 p.m.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous, at
8:00 p.m.
I deleted the second comment 'cause I accidentally posted the first one twice. So I'm even stupider.
Anonymous, at
8:01 p.m.
>Doesn't say 'wash me' but 'kill me!'
I've had a few towels look up and say, "you've left me on the floor so long that life has evolved. To wash me is to kill me."
Anonymous, at
11:22 p.m.
melissa, you are truely the most interesting person i know..wether or not you relize it or feel like your not the same person you once were..i know you still are. fuck your funny!!
Anonymous, at
2:13 p.m.
love crystal (your best friend)
Anonymous, at
2:14 p.m.
thanks crystal
i love you
i cant wait to see when i go home
Melissa, at
2:29 p.m.
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