hitting the quilting pattern jackpot

I just finished posting and it is driving me crazy because my post is FULL of typos, punctuation errors and poor wording but I published it and now my internet is cut off and I have no time to fix it. Usually I post and then take about half an hour or so republishing my post, editing it one error at a time and I didn't get the chance.
I am afraid people will think I am extra dumb.
I am a terrible typer and also when I write I tend to write it down exactly how think it, so what I say takes a bit of of editing to become clear. If ever I sent you an email you would know that it is different from my blog writing because I don't tend to edit them at all unless it is important.
Also I am going a little bit senile or something either from age or from the drink because I swear to god I used to be an excellent speller and now I am not. Some words I forget how to spell but mostly I will spell them wrong even tho I know how to spell them if I think about it. It is like my mind and my hands are moving at different speeds so when I am going to type a word my mind is already somewhere else. My hands are left with about two whole brain cells telling them how to type something out and the word is so far removed from the context by then that I mess up. The other day I was writing an email to Jill and I noticed that I spelt "knit" as "neat" which is fucked because GOD I know the difference between those words but somehow my brain mixed them up. |

5 comment(s):
ha way to quote me on hitting the quilting pattern jackpot... just got back from the library. found a pattern there. also had $10 and 5 cents in late charges. fuckin awesome eh
Jillian Grady, at
11:44 a.m.
yeah you are funny
whatver i have like 300 dollars in late charges. I'm not even really aloud in the library.
Melissa, at
11:53 a.m.
Useful Elkas information was had during my stay here today.
And we thank you.
Nik, at
3:35 p.m.
fuck spelling lol
Leck, at
5:37 p.m.
u r not getting fat
Anonymous, at
7:26 p.m.
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