two pounds of heartache and dash of bad poetry

Okay someone emailed me today and said they might buy something from my store and I am so excited! I am making new stuff for it. You guys should buy it.
I was talking to my friend Crystal the other day and she was being funny because she was like wait make a t-shirt that says this, no wait make one that says this! Anyway I made this t-shirt with this image on it for her but it is pending approval because I guess they find it gross.

Whatever I have the funniest girlfriends ever. Crystal is really funny and I always forget for some reason. She has been one of my best friends for a long time and has been very kind to me. She had a baby last year and for some reason when she got pregnant I stopped talking to her so much. I don't know why really, I am an idiot because I think I just started to feel weird because I felt moronic to be just going on about whatever my stupid shit is when she does something as important as being a mom. The thing is though, being a mom does not make her any less Crystal and that is why I am dumb. Anyway I was talking to her on the phone the other day and she was being pretty funny. She was on a cordless and she was outside picking up cigarette butts off the ground and she was telling her baby that "one day you can help mommy do this" then she's like "just joking" then she's like "hopefully..."

One time Crytal and I got into a drunken fight at this trashy bar that was called Breakers. I was way at one end of the bar and I was being a nut cus I was crying and I had kicked a table over and she was way over at the other end waiting to buy a drink. Then she mooned me and the whole rest of the bar to cheer me up because she is funny and sweet like that. I don't have any pictures of her on my computer but I will show you what she looks like when I go home. |

12 comment(s):
I was going to buy something from your store but I couldn't find any thongs.
Anonymous, at
2:03 p.m.
there is thongs there!
Melissa, at
2:10 p.m.
Holy shit! AWESOME!
Anonymous, at
2:15 p.m.
fuck she's funny... i wish i could meet her.
Jillian Grady, at
3:12 p.m.
It's nice to have a friend who moons you to cheer you up. A true friend knows when to moon you.
Anonymous, at
4:52 p.m.
I thought you have met her.
Anonymous, at
4:53 p.m.
you're right... i know her
Jillian Grady, at
5:40 p.m.
I could SO do her. But her dad is watching.
Anonymous, at
5:54 p.m.
your friends are heros amoung men.
Krista, at
9:33 p.m.
snaillians is jill who is making a joke
Melissa, at
10:48 p.m.
a fuking hilarious joke, at that. For more hilarious jokes, check out my super funny blog.
Jillian Grady, at
11:12 p.m.
nice grammar melissa
also woo go jill
you are totallyu allowed to spam my site
alsowoo alcoihole
Melissa, at
11:18 p.m.
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