turning the emotional tide
My new tagline is so terribly witty that someone else must have thought of it before. I will google later to find out but for now I want to pretend that it is a witticism unique to me.Bah, it 8 o'clock in the morning. I got drunk at work last night. Then I came home and left a million comments on a million blogs. Then I went to my room and wrote a bunch of incoherant shit and cried. Then I decided to take three of my depression pills to fight the crazies because I am an idiot with some kind of death wish or something. Fuck. I am afraid of how fucked I'm gonna feel today because of it. I am not drinking to get drunk anymore. |

7 comment(s):
At your age, I had similar issues with alcohol + the crazies + anti-depressants. You've got to be really careful about not taking your meds for so long and then piling up on them. They, unfortunately, don't work that way. They take time to build up in your body and be effective. It's true that drinking + taking anti-depressants is not ideal. But, that is so much better than not taking them for a long time and then gobbling them down.
I know. I tried. I ended up in the hospital.
Ten years later, I still drink and am off anti-depressants, still crazy but happier than ever. It was a long, hard road but I made it. It all started when I got serious about taking my meds and then serious about backing off them in a controlled, supervised way.
I wish you well.
Anonymous, at
9:11 a.m.
I have no idea what you are taking . . . I was on Prozac. Switched later to Zoloft. Then it was Paxil and something else (I can't remember). That's another thing to consider, not all things work for all people.
Don't worry about how the anti crazies affect your creativity, either. I'm more productive now than I ever was . . . I'm currently in post production on my second film and just sold my third screenplay.
Anonymous, at
9:13 a.m.
would you stop drinking if we started buying your crap?
Anonymous, at
11:26 a.m.
thanks anonymous
I think I am serious about quitting drinking to get drunk. Last night was aweful and i feel like shit today.
Yes Mildly Io think if you guys bought my stuff it would umm encourage me to blog more and driink less.
Melissa, at
12:21 p.m.
hope your dad didn't read that one, dude... i don't want to preach and stuff, but melissa, dear, i would rather you come home alive than dead from overdosing, k? go online.
Jillian Grady, at
4:45 p.m.
You're welcome . . .
Like I said, I still drink. But I do it in moderation now. I do it for the taste, the romance and to appreciate the craftsmanship. I am mindful of every drink and take the time to savor it.
It seems to work, being mindful of your actions. I can stop now at two glasses of wine and enjoy them so much more than drinking a whole bottle.
When I was your age, I'd drink ridiculous amounts and be a total ho bag slut and I thought it was great because all these people *loved* me. Don't get me wrong, I still love a stiff drink and a good fuck . . . I'm just more respectful of myself and check those destructive impulses when I can.
I wanted to add, that I really enjoy reading your blog. The pictures are nice, too but not necessary. You remind me soooo much of myself when I was your age and I just want you to know that I'm out here rooting for you!
Anonymous, at
9:00 a.m.
thanks again
Melissa, at
11:26 a.m.
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