after I bought your love

I am nervous about going home. I have been away for so long that I feel like I will be harshly judged on how I look when I get back and I think I got kinda fat and blugh. I am just, I wish I looked better. Also what else?
Don't go to my blog and not read my posts, I dunno, so many people read it for zero seconds and it makes me not want to blog because I am writing all this stuff and sometimes really putting everything out there and it's frustrating that I can do so much and it is like hmm I will just skim thru this or not read it at all Also I posted twice tonight so read my next post too cus this one is just an afterthought. |

18 comment(s):
i read your blog with an rss reader as i'm sure others do. it wont show up in your stats.
you look fine. quitchyer belly achin.
Anonymous, at
1:51 a.m.
i like your picturs. also, a lot of the time, i just go to your blog quickly to see if you posted anything new and if you didn't i leave right away and that's probably what a lot of people do
Jillian Grady, at
4:23 a.m.
I too like the pictures, now since I have only been here twice I don't feel too guilty. Great comments about the old state of the union last night. George is such a joke...
About the swimming, I used to work at the YMCA and I can relate to what you say about swimming and exercise because the folks who showed up for "aquafit" were anything but fit...
Anyway, interesting stuff I will make sure to keep commenting.
Scott, at
5:57 a.m.
Melissa -
Site Meter only registers the time between page views, not how long someone read your blog. It calculates how long they spend on, say, looking at a link or comments or archived posts. So, if someone looks at the main page, spends three hours reading all the posts it will still say they read O Seconds. But if someone doesn't read the front page, clicks on the read comments bar, then gets a phone call and walks away for two hours, it will show that they were reading for two hours.
It's not the most accurate tool in the world.
I might still be drinking, but I've got some grasp on this techie shit.
p.s. Did your boots come clean?
Anonymous, at
7:36 a.m.
hey thats neat baout site meter. I feel better now. Also you are not my mom. My mom is confused by webmail.
Melissa, at
8:12 a.m.
i didnt try cxleaning my boots yet, maybe i will today.
Melissa, at
8:16 a.m.
I wasnt digging for compliments. i dont think im ugly or anything. i just mean i feel liek pressure to look better than I will because I have been gone a lomg time and i went crazy while i was away so i dont want to come back and be all wwooooo i went crazy AND my looks went downhill fast.
Melissa, at
9:29 a.m.
you looked skinny to me.
Raymi Lauren, at
10:12 a.m.
Melissa, at
10:21 a.m.
statcounter site meter comments whats that
3:20 p.m.
Cheer up. You're not anywhere near as fat and blugh as britney spears.
Anonymous, at
4:24 p.m.
Cool blog, glad I stumbled on through. :)
Matt Vella, at
4:44 p.m.
yeah for fcc....erasing peoples ain't the can't handle the truth..i bet the sun wakes up and smiles every day for you and you never acknowledge him...
bah hum bug.....
i am soooooo sorry.....this i zed from planet jupiter...the moons of earth are going to collide with a satelite....on june gravity rulesz...
Damien Rex, at
4:59 p.m.
you're only getting fat in your mind, don't be crazy!
Krista, at
5:02 p.m.
" Cool blog, glad I stumbled on through..."
I read about it in the papers.
Anonymous, at
5:56 p.m.
i've checked it out since your one word comment on mine the other evening...what's the story behind that btw? :) anyway, yours is intriguing from what i have read so far; i'll keep checking back <:><
Solomon, at
12:52 a.m.
fundulus is a kind of fish
Melissa, at
9:42 a.m.
yes it is...just wondering the significance of it to you :) to get really fish-nerd on you it's actually the genus of several fishes...ok i'll stop there. i'm going to keep reading the rest of the blog <:><
Solomon, at
10:02 a.m.
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