riding in eggshell boats

I went swimming today because I need to start getting some excersize. It was kind of fun. I felt a little awkward cus most everyone else in the not so big pool was a 50+ year old man. I am not this smokin' hottie in my bikini or anything at all but it still made me feel kind of weird because they all seemed to have goggles and I'm just swimming around like a retard and I felt as if I could sense their eyes underwater leering at me. The scene reminded me of a picture that Tyler should make. Oh yeah also looking at the shape of the people who go to public swims does not make me get the feeling that swimming is the best excersize for getting in shape.

Another thing that's weird about going swimming is the public showers. I am not into just lining up and stripping down. I am a prude in some ways. When I was in school and people would change for gym I was one of those kids who always changed in the room and not all out with the crowd. I don't know tho, I was a loser maybe that was a thing that cool kids did to bond or something. Oh yeah also the nakedness of the old ladies was a wake up call to me that I need get myself hooked up with a man long term soon before I get gross and have to rely on my hilariousness alone to attract a mate.

Oh yeah this was posted on the public bulletin at the rec centre where I went swimming. Ummmm what kind of person would see this crayola marker sign with the happy face dotting the "i" and give them a call to donate their used pornos? Oh you mean you kids AREN'T making a huge collage of red eye specials for the community rec centre? who knew, Sorry m'aam just trying to help out....

I watched part of George Bush's "state of the union" speech. He pretty much compared himself to Martin Luther King JR, basically saying that they had to keep fighting the war in Iraq like King fought against segregation. Classy George, particularly since his widow died overnight. Are you just like Ghandi too? but with a gun and shoes and no followers?

I like the weirdo pictures I took today so I might have to keep posting them in more and more entries. Is anyone out there some kind of generous site designer? I want my umm "writing box" wider and I want all that line shit dotty stuff and arrows gone but I don't know how.

2 comment(s):
fundulus indeed...
Solomon, at
11:55 p.m.
I go swimming early every morning. So early that it's often just me and an older woman. I walked into the pool area one morning to find her a couple of metres from the door with her back to me. She turned around and I realised she was naked from the waist up. I know I shouldn't have found it so shocking (I go to the pool with a bare chest and I'm certainly no Adonis), but I did. I turned around, walked out, and didn't go back to the pool for a week.
I'm typical of people who swim for "exercise" - floating on your back is a lot easier than jogging.
Anonymous, at
1:14 p.m.
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