bitch and moan

Im feeling a little sad today. I just made an omelet and it sucked. How is it that I have never learned how to cook eggs properly? I think I only know how to cook things that go on max temperature. meh. I feel like I am bored of blogging but I don't know what to do. I want to paint a painting but doing it right would mean making a graph thing on the canvas blah blah and I have no attention span for it. I drank last night and it is probably affecting my mood although I stayed out of trouble and didn't come home and pitch a depressive fit. I am tired of having no money. I should find another job but it is one of those stupid things where blah blah whatever I don't even care to explain. I called the people again about my camera today and they said they will call me back tomorrow. They are annoying because half the time I talk to them they are very nice and competant and then other times like today they are whoa! we were competant before? what are you talking about? how about I will put you on hold for 5 minutes and then come back and tell you I will call tomorrow and ramble on incoherantly about the possible wherabouts of your camera but not offer any clues as to why it might be where...

No one has made any comments on my posts today and I am drama queen cus I think it means everyone hates my blog now.
I need some exersize and I am sick of winter. |

6 comment(s):
i really like that picture
Jillian Grady, at
4:26 p.m.
my eggs or my boobs?
Melissa, at
4:48 p.m.
I can't see your boobs!
Anonymous, at
5:15 p.m.
your boobs
Jillian Grady, at
6:13 p.m.
that's an awesome picture. good work.
agh, making omelettes pisses me off too. I can never do it, and it always just turns into a big pile of eggs and other stuff. my mom bought me a teensy little frying pan though so hopefully that works.
aaand I just wrote a freakin' comment about making omelettes.
Unknown, at
9:14 p.m.
First, use a pan about half that size.
Get your self some spray on olive oil and use it on the pan before cookin' yer omelette.
Also, looks like you had the heat up too high. Even on low, it doesn't really take that long to cook an omelette so go low or med.
Be patient. While the eggs are cooking, kinda poke a few holes in spots where it's bubbling up - try to keep the eggs cooking evenly.
Put cheese on at this point (begun to solidify)if you're going to use it.
Once it solidifies like 90%, put the rest of your ingredients in.
When you go to flip one edge over, get the spatula under there verrrry carefully, then flip it somewhat quickly - careful not to tear it.
Let it cook a little longer after that.
Slide it off the pan to your plate with some gentle assistance from the spatula.
Voila, awesome omelette. ;)
Matt Vella, at
4:50 p.m.
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