velvet 17th century mace year of women and children first

The Lewd Angel

I can't go on sleepovers.

I guess I forgot about my promise to quit drinking cus I got smashed with the boys from work last night. We went to Denny's where I ordered a breakfast skillet but then, I dunno fell asleep and didn't eat it, then this morning, holy shit this is gross, I wet the bed. I just dreamt I was peeing and I was. I am so gross. I have memories of my family kinda walking in and knowing but I am hoping that was part of a dream. Fuck I am gross and I am going to get made fun of for that by people who read this blog looking for dirt on me. I have a friend who peed the bed after drinking a couple of times and I always made fun of her but I am like no wait! I just joined your club. I am so glad that no one was in bed with me.

Somebody made me a me robot that doesn't look like me. You can buy stuff with it on it.


9 comment(s):

Oh man, that sucks. I have a good friend that wet the bed with his girlfriend in it. Strangely they are no longer together....


By Blogger Scott, at 10:14 a.m.  

i can see you shawn

By Blogger Melissa, at 10:15 a.m.  

I think this looks like melissa except it's blonde.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:33 a.m.  

i am so thankful i was alone.
also i dont look like that orange thinsg mildly

By Blogger Melissa, at 11:03 a.m.  

One time when I was really drunk and went to bed I woke up and I was pissin in one of my dresser drawers. I guess I must have been dreaming it was a urinal. I also had a dream like yours where i pissed the bed but I was like 8 years old.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:52 p.m.  

It may seem like a strange question, but: were there strange red spots around your eyes in the morning and/or did you muscles feel like you'd been given a beating?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:56 p.m.  

whoa why?
i dont know

By Blogger Melissa, at 1:03 p.m.  

hahahah that doesn't look like melissa but it would be funny if it did! way to pee the bed dude

By Blogger Jillian Grady, at 3:10 p.m.  

pffffft some people just dont admit that they peed the bad as adults when they did

By Blogger Melissa, at 3:29 p.m.  

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