the rules of anarchy

Holy crap everyday for the last week I keep getting these big waves of fuck you and being extremely angry wiith people/situations whatever. Then I can't concentrate to write anything interesting because all I can think is angry.
I hate that because I want to tell you all this stuff. I decided to repost because I had so much to say but now I am like fuck it who cares I hate the world and i dont want to talk to it. |

13 comment(s):
Hey, another local blogger that I've just found. Pleased to meecha. Bad time to go to PEI now that the canal will probabaly be frozen and open today (unless you don't skate).
Is there a translation for the words on that cartoon or should we just look at the pictures?
Anonymous, at
10:08 a.m.
greets...hope you r not too mad at are very interesting to read.and thanks for the advice.cheers
Anonymous, at
11:01 a.m.
release the rage!!! lol
Leck, at
11:27 a.m.
we feel the same anger & hatred too.
get beyond yourself, little turd.
Anonymous, at
12:22 p.m.
I'm getting those angry waves too, hope it's not a contagious thing, it's okay if you don't wanna talk about it, there's lots of stuff I could talk about on my blog but I don't cause it's not happy stuff and makes me mad to think about.
I think we should date.
Krista, at
1:49 p.m.
i think you and krista should definitely date
Anonymous, at
5:11 p.m.
Nice cartoon...haha...
I just say "fuck it"... get angry and agro, we all need to be from time to time.
Scott, at
6:19 p.m.
Kathryn, at
12:44 a.m.
When I'm angry I get my punching bag and punch it. It's the best form of anger release (next to punching real person but that is evil).
Before I can afford my punching bag I kick walls. ^^ Especially concrete walls in fire escapes coz its thick and the sounds resonate, makes it sounds like im kicking it really hard.
nice blog btw.
Anonymous, at
4:30 a.m.
all humans hate each other. Just a bunch of selfish PIG BASTARDS!
Kathryn, at
5:39 p.m.
Hey you have msg or thought that you want to share then more power to you.
Anonymous, at
6:56 p.m.
dont call me a turd fuckass
Melissa, at
2:05 p.m.
i hate that word. "turd"
its gross.
Kathryn, at
4:56 p.m.
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