the cats meowed while rome burned
I was scrolling thru blogs and I came across this blog with miilions of pictures of cats looking all cute and they had a link to a " cattery" which is apparently a house of cat breeding and the word "cattery" just makes me laugh because it sounds like something I made up but I guess someone else did. Anyway I googled "cattery" and came up and that is their play on words with "sphynx" the hairless cat they breed but I am like whoa do you not get that that sounds like a sphincter? Have you never seen Wayne's World because I have seen it ten million times and I want to email them and say "a shynxter says what?"
Also that is me with my cat that is kind of my friend Crystal's cat now because she has been looking after him for almost two years I think. His name is Westley and I love him very much and he loves me back and I feel crazy guilty that I don't live with him because I kind of think he is a man who happened to be born a fat cat but that we are in love. Westley is like the Barry White of cats. One time he was all acting seductive to me and my lady friend and we were like whoa he smells good, really good and then we found in his cat stash under this love seat where he stored all his lighters and toys and cat shit that he had mens cologne in there. Seriously. It was "adidas moves" and I had no idea how it came to be in my house because I lived alone. We were like HOLY SHIT! He seriously IS a man in a cats body trying to seduce us and then Westley got all like no I'm not! and he started chewing on a bunch of bobby pins and we were like pffft yeah nice cover up Westley. I think Westley has anxiety issues now and I think I am bad person for not being able to look after him myself.
P.S. There is a thought bubble with me loving my ipod cus Ryan made it for me when I first got my ipod and I went thru a phase where all I did was talk to him and tell him how much I loved my ipod over and over again.
P.P.S. I like how the white on my sweater and on Westley's fur contrasts with how yellow my teeth look. NOT!
P.P.S. get it? get it? I furthered the Waynes World references. I'm a comic genius muthfuckas.

5 comment(s):
Wayne's World!
Your cat looks almost like My cat mius the white on my cat's face, and maybe a little weight, eehe. I can see the man in my eyes. My cat Lupus is a total love slut and lusts after both men and woman, but usually men. Gay.
Krista, at
7:28 a.m.
i had a cat once...but i pissed on my clothes so...i skinned it alive and left it for dead on the center of the highway...haha..
god your so mean...
i hear women would rather rub there smelly...clitoris.them selves.....then get stuffed by a hot dog...
dad...said never trust a thing that bleeds for a week and survives..
oh my god womb...please feel sorry for me.....
Damien Rex, at
9:06 a.m.
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Anonymous, at
9:38 a.m.
mildly i male fun of myself enough already
Melissa, at
12:26 p.m.
make fun of myself.
so yeah
i dont appreciate it
at all actually
do you get that i am depressed? do you get that? sorry but we are not friends if a "real" person wants to to joke around with me then thats fine but a blog reader i dont know is fucking annoying because yeah its funny but its more sad.
actually im deleting it.
Melissa, at
12:41 p.m.
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