I forgive you for your spelling indiscretions
Okay I stayed over at Crystals house the other night and while I was there I knit TWO hats and a scarf. She has this thing that is called a "Knifty Knitter" and it is awesome. My girlfriends are secretly old ladies and they do a million crafts with yarn and I half make fun of them but maybe it's because I am jealous of them because they try and teach me knitting/crochet whatever and I am like hunh? and deciphering knitting patterns seems to me like an amazing wonderous skill and when I try and make a scarf it is all full of holes and goes from thin to wide and back a million times over. Anyway, Crystal doesn't even like the knifty knitter because I dunno she is too much in enriched knitting and it is ciriculum for the knitting retarded kids but OH MY GOD it's awesome.Dear wanna be craftmasters who are craft retarded like me. Buy Knifty Knitters. I just used one for one day really and I can't stop thinking about it. You can make a hat or a scarf and it is so fast and it won't look stupid. You will probably feel like me and you will want to wear your hat everywhere and brag to people that don't care about that you made it. Also you will be like IN YO FACE YOU CRAFTY SLUTS I AM KNITTING PROLIFIC. I kind of even want to form or join a knifty knitter club. I'll show you my awesome hat when I get home. It has a pom pom even. |

2 comment(s):
happy VD...
Anonymous, at
6:10 p.m.
thanks vd is my new fav in thing to say
Melissa, at
11:55 p.m.
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